103 years of legendary hospitality on the famous shores of Waikiki we found our own quiet oasis: THE HALEKULANI, "House Befitting Heaven"
Waikiki, Oahu — Our ESCAPESEEKER advance research team has arrived–literally and figuratively! For the next 8 days, our team comprised of my talented photographer, Lisa Hensley, and our production assistant, Christina Noakes, whom many of you know is meticulous for details, will strive to capture the SPIRIT OF ALOHA for which these Hawaiian Islands are world renowned, for our upcoming episodes, “I am Hawaii, I am Forever”.
Waikiki, one of the best known beaches in the world has been a favorite playground of Hawaiian royalty. From King Kamehameha to the “King of Rock n Roll” –Elvis also found his paradise on these famous shores.
These days, this 1.5 mile stretch of white sand beach is the nucleus of Hawaii’s tourist industry, packed full of high-rise hotels that promise to treat you like a king. Although it may be criticized for its concrete-jungle appearance, large crowds, and touristy feel–for this ESCAPESEEKER team, we found our own quiet oasis at the luxurious HALEKULANI which in Hawaiian means, “House Befitting Heaven”–and that’s exactly what we’ve set out to prove. For the last 103 years the HALEKULANI has been synonymous with impeccable service…and even though we’ve barely arrived, we can vouch that the Spirit of Aloha thrives in the House Befitting Heaven!
At its core, the ancient Hawaiian culture embodies the concept of aloha, emphasizing giving without the expectation of return, and a spirit of loving, sharing and caring for all the “ohana” or extended family.
This Spirit of Aloha was an integral part of ancient Hawaiian life, and it continues to prevail in present day Hawaii. A Hawaiian saying is: Ua hilo ia i ke aho a ke aloha, translated means “Braided with the cords of love.” or “Held in the bond of affection”.
Please stay tuned as we share our discoveries with you. Lisa has already been snapping image after image. The view from our 10th floor suite is breathtaking. Who wouldn’t get the camera bug when you’re at the HALEKULANI? The Spirit of Aloha is everywhere!
Here’s to BLISSFUL, never-ending ESCAPES…
With love,
Mel and the ESCAPESEEKER team