October 2, 2010

"Life is Color and Warmth and Light" ~ Julian Grenfell Our stills photographer, Lisa Hensley simply stated after taking this image, "What a beautiful way to end the perfect day!"
The Halekulani on the Beach at Waikiki – -Some photographs require no explanation! If you wish to experience this magnificent sunset…which I like to refer to it as one of life’s “Thank You God Moment” aka TYGM, then all you have to do is book Suite 1007 at the legendary HALEKULANI!
And, to think it is just day 2 of our “ART” assignment!
Thank you team. Tomorrow a 4:30 am hike awaits…this time to capture a majestic sunrise!
I love the ESCAPESEEKER life…and I think my crew is loving every minute of it also.
Goodnight everyone…sweet dreams of never-ending ESCAPES.
With love,