Posts Tagged ‘PBS SoCal’


Thursday, July 11th, 2013

 2013 Theme:  Mission Possible…Conquering the Unexpected

When an unfortunate accident turned my size six right foot into size 7.5 complete with 10 screws and 2 plates, and with its accompanying recovery period that subsequently  derailed our 2012 filming season, I was determined to get back on track in 2013, no matter what it took! Once my newly renamed, “Robofoot” could travel, black/gray mega boot, crutches and all, I knew there was one place that would assist in my healing, both physically and spiritually:  French Polynesia! So, I embarked on a series of voyages on board the m/s Paul Gauguin, serving as a “Guest Speaker” and sharing our TAHITI: OH HEAVEN’S HEAVEN series with the enthusiastic guests.  After all, how can you not love watching a film about the breathtaking places you know you’re about to experience first hand?  The entire experience of being amongst such joyful passengers and crew who shared my insatiable passion for the islands, and swimming daily in those healing French Polynesian turquoise waters was exactly what my foot (and my soul) needed to bring me back to full ESCAPESEEKER form!

Fast forward, April 15, 2013 and I’m absolutely ready to tackle not one continent, but four continents in just three months. I began in Asia [Hong Kong], followed by South America [Peru], and continuing on to Europe [France], with a quick return to North America [Utah] so I can orchestrate a beautiful wedding for my daughter, Joanna, and then returning to Europe to begin an extensive exploration of Greece, Italy [including The Vatican], Croatia, and back to Italy. The journey wasn’t pain-free, but I quickly discovered that I was tougher than I ever imagined.  More importantly, I found the continuous blessing of seeing one breathtaking vista after another, and meeting so many, many engaging inspiring, talented individuals at every turn only fueled my resolve that 2013 will be the very best ESCAPESEEKER season yet! Perhaps, in part, it may be because I have a far greater appreciation for restored health…for the opportunity to travel…to explore the world on two feet, something I will never ever take fore granted again.

With God’s tender mercy, and with the tireless assistance of my ESCAPESEEKER team as well as the continued, generous support of tremendous entities from around the world, we will continue to seek out the greatest destinations, and prove again and again that there’s no destination on earth too far, too difficult, or too SPECTACULAR to reach!  I feel it a tremendous privilege, albeit also a great responsibility to correctly represent each country I write about, and subsequently film for our PBS SoCal TV Series. For the next few weeks, I will be devoting a segment on each of the destinations we researched, so I can properly do them justice. I hope you’ll continue to visit my ESCAPESEEKER blog as I share the incredible images and story after story of some of the world’s most interesting, unique places…some of which are still barely known…hidden gems waiting to be discovered by adventure-seeking, travel enthusiasts  just like you! We will be returning to film these destinations in the coming weeks, and I have no doubt my avid cinematographers upon seeing these awe-inspiring places will once again refer to me as their “Fairy Godmother.”

Here’s to ENDLESS, BLISSFUL ESCAPES…and Remember, No Matter Where You Travel, BE THE KINDEST PERSON YOU KNOW!

With love,

Mel Gee Henderson aka ESCAPESEEKER











Sunday, July 1st, 2012


Scott Simper chosen Director of Photography for



Award winning and multi-facetted documentary film maker, Scott Simper began his adventurous life as a cowboy. Life in the saddle led to film studies at the University of Utah. Scott’s initial background in stage management, sound engineering and theatrical lighting led to camera operating and he has spent the past 15 years honing his craft, much of it in far flung and exotic locations with equally exotic diseases — many of which Scott has sampled and survived!


In addition to his all-round production expertise, Scott’s skills as a mountaineer, rock climber, skier, kayaker and adventure racer have made him a highly sought after team member in locations ranging from the jungles of the Congo to the Arctic to the summit of Mt Everest.


Scott’s work is distinguished not only for its beauty and his technical expertise but also for his willingness to take on the challenges of any situation or location with a smile. From rigging shots in difficult, tight locations to building and fixing equipment in inhospitable places, Scott is known as the essential cameraman to have on those difficult gigs.


His creative aerial work using a gyro-stabilization system, breath-taking time lapses and exceptional hand-held shooting have earned him Emmy awards and nominations for camera work.


In addition to his skills as a camera operator, Scott has a knack for connecting with his subjects, putting them at ease and getting the most from them as he visually captures their lives. A true team player, Scott’s natural enthusiasm and unflagging energy are valuable on any production — and invaluable on the tough ones!

Scott will be assisted by ESCAPESEEKER AFRICA team members, including Sara Mayer and Producer, Roger Gunn as well as  Royal African Safaris’ partner and expert guide, Phil West.


2010: Scott summits Mt Everest for a corporate production:


Breaking News 2012: Scott wins an Emmy for outstanding camera work for the 2011 Ford Ironman World Championship and a National award for Museum Media for his work at the Utah Natural History Museum.



Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

Banks of the Brazos River, TEXAS — Being based in a State as BIG as TEXAS, ESCAPESEEKER can’t help but think BIG in 2012, as we continue to film BIG and EPIC destinations around the world, featuring the kinds of inspiring individuals you and I would love to hang out with, even if the cameras weren’t rolling–no let me rephrase that–especially if the cameras weren’t rolling!

As promised, 2012 will find us continuing our on-going series on the South Pacific.  Of course how can we not continue to bask in the jaw-dropping beauty of Bora Bora and Moorea, or immerse ourselves ever deeper in pursuit of the world’s “diver’s mecca” in the atolls of Rangiroa?

From there, we’ll continue across the oceans to the most remote, mystical island on earth–Rapa Nui–where we begin our extensive exploration of South America’s best kept secret– “Chile: Long, Lean, and Simply Spectacular!” Here’s a sneak peak:

Whether we’re filming in far, distant lands or capturing the magic of our own native homeland–the USA–we never waiver from our ESCAPESEEKER mantra of “Seeking the Greatest Destinations in the World, one Luxury Escape at a time”…and “Living the Life We’ve Imagined as we “Go Confidently in the Direction of our Dreams!” And this is definitely applicable in 2012 as we share two of our dreamiest distinctive destinations in the U.S.–  “The Art of Living” as captured at  Montage Laguna Beach and “Winter’s Bliss” amidst Utah’s newest, most luxurious winter ESCAPE–Montage Deer Valley!  By the time, this hour of ESCAPESEEKER is over, you’ll begin to understand why “Montage” has become synonymous with impeccable service and experiences that you’ll want to share again and again with family and friends.  Montage Deer Valley boasts one million square feet of luxury–yes, you can definitely invite every favorite friend and that rich uncle of yours too–there’s something for everyone no matter the season!

In 2012, we’ll continue to fuel our ever growing fascination with South America, as we return once again.  But this time, it’s to the northern Andes–“ENTICING, ENGAGING ECUADOR”–includes venturing across the Pacific in the rich nature reserves of the Galapagos Islands!

While we’re exploring the Southern Hemisphere–we’re just going to keep heading south–but across another EPIC CONTINENT–“AFRICA: WILD AND WONDROUS!” We’ll have more details on that later, but for now, here’s to proving again and again, that there’s NO DESTINATION ON EARTH too FAR, too DIFFICULT or too  EPIC and WONDROUS for ESCAPESEEKER to REACH! Take a look:


With love,