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Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
French Polynesia ~ After receiving numerous inquiries from former avid travelers who are now finding it difficult to dive back in, my fearless and indefatigable ESCAPESEEKER team decided that we would be the “test pilots” and for the next six months devote 10 days of each month traveling to the most sought-after destinations in the world.  Our goal is to provide the answers to:  What is required based on the respective country’s rules to enter; what we need to plan on to stay at great length; and the new rules to depart and re-enter the USA. What did we discover?  Well, here is our first report.  We keep it real, we keep it honest.
Right off the bat, know that French Polynesia requires all visitors to show proof of vaccination, plus, yes, your booster shot too! No exceptions.
Leaving LAX:  If you can navigate all the new construction going on at LAX, and the new designated shuttle stops, that’s half the challenge already conquered.  Once we reached the Tom Bradley International Terminal, we scheduled our pre-flight covid test.  About 30 minutes later, we were relieved to receive an e-mail with our test resutls:  NEGATIVE! Sigh of Relief. We are now permitted to check-in for our Air Tahiti Nui flight–something I’ve always looked forward to because the minute you board, you feel as though your vacation has begun.  It must be the sweet scent of Tahiti’s national flower, the Tiare which they give to each passenger. And, of course, it did not take long for my Producer, Jamie Barney (also a seasoned traveler) and I to go into our deep slumber for our pleasant 8-hour flight to Tahiti’s capital of Papeete.
Upon arrival, our first taste of the “new normal”–the line to clear customs was unusually slow and long; the reason–as an extra precaution, they were administering another covid-test–and the results would be e-mailed, just like before our flight. Our flight had landed at 9:15 pm as scheduled, but we did not reach our hotel in Papeete until midnight.  Our super nice driver, Patrick had waited patiently for us, as he held the sign, “ESCAPESEEKER” at the exit.  Right off the bat, for the next 10 days, the Tahitians we met–all where super kind, ultra grateful to welcome us into their country.  
After over-nighting at Le Tahiti by Pearl Resorts, we rose early the next morning and headed back to FAA airport to catch our Air Tahiti flight (the domestic airline) to Tikehau, a coral  atoll in the Tuamotus Archipelago of French Polynesia to do some serious diving.  Word of caution–if you bring your own diving gear, the extra weight will costs you–about $100 each time.
Often called, the “diving mecca” Jamie, a seasoned diver could not get into the water soon enough. We chose a local diving operation, CocodiveTikehau. And, we would do it all over again in an instant.  The Divemaster, Xavier is one of the most caring, patient, thorough divemaster we have ever met. Our Captain, I really got to know because I was the first one back in the boat while the pros chose to dive deeper and longer. If there is one clear benefit to having the islands on lock down for the last two years–the sealife has been undisturbed, and its population has increased to a healthier state. Another extra benefit when you sign up for these fun activities, you meet other adventurous travelers from around the world–some may even be from your on hometown that you would not otherwise meet.  Jamie and I gained so many new friends on this assignment, proving my theory, “The world is full of friends just waiting to be met.”
We can’t wait to return to Le Tikehau [] where we were met with stunning rainbows each morning, and the staff treated us like Polynesian Royalty! Can you imagine?  After we reached the tiny Tikehau airport for our departure flight, our waiter at Le TIkehau arrived on his bicycle, carrying a beautiful shell crown, “Mel, my grandmere made this for you!” Another gentleman from Le TIkehau gave Jamie a literal hand-ful of loose black pearls. That is what you’ll find on this tiny coral atoll of Tikehau–the genuinely generous, kind, peaceful Tuamotuan. They live up to their name, TIkehau which means means Peaceful Landing in Tuamotuan.  
Next stop, Bora Bora, the “Pearl of French Polynesia.”
The Bora Bora island is one of the most popular islands in The Islands of Tahiti. One of nine islands within the Society Islands, Bora Bora was formed over seven million years ago by a volcano. Like most of the islands of French Polynesia, Bora Bora is surrounded by a ring of coral reef, also known as an atoll. This south pacific island could easily be defined as the center of the romantic universe, where luxurious beach resorts, and spas dot the island with overwater bungalows, thatched-roof villas, create its legendary ambiance. Here’s the good news–you don’t have to be a couple to savor all that Bora Bora has to offer.  The island is a photographer’s dream, a waterlover’s playground, for both young and old, and definitely if sailing floats your boat, Bora Bora is ready-made to provide endless days and nights of bliss.
Our home away from home is Le Bora Bora by Pearl Resorts–a Relais Chateaux resort which instantly means, there’s an incomparable level of luxury and service you can expect to receive.  Le Bora Bora did not disappoint. Our over-the-water bungalow had an uninterrupted view of Mount Otemanu, the iconic Bora Bora landmark. If there was one thing we had not fully planned on, however, Bora Bora’s culinary offerings are delicious, but  pricey.  I was told everything has to be imported, thus the higher costs of food.  Make sure you plan on spending $150 per person for dinner with drinks. The highest we experienced was the $450. per couple at La Villa Mahana. But being joined by our new friends whom we originally met at Le TIkehau made the dinner even more extraordinary. We all agreed it was worth every delectable morsel! We were served the best lobster risotto I’ve ever had–and I’ve dined with 3-star Michelin chefs–so that speaks volumes.  If you must save up for it–do it!  There are only six tables each night, so book early, and plan on an exquisite culinary journey that will last through the evening!
After spending a chunk of mulah on dinner, we decided to book an all-day sailing experience that also included diving, and lunch. We booked with Bora Bora Cruise and Dive, and had the Catamaran all to ourselves.  What a stunning day. We were in and out of the boat as much as our hearts desire. Taking a nap on the bow with the soft breezes caressing our sun-kissed faces as our Captain serenaded us with his ukulele and sweet tenor voice–that’s about as good as a Bora Bora cruise gets! If you prefer smaller rides, I highly recommend jetski tour with Matira.
We will remember our Bora Bora adventures, and the lifelong friends we have made all along the way.  Yes, it’s more complicated to travel during these unprecedented times, and there’s always that anxious feeling not knowing if your final covid test pre-flight back to the USA will read, “Negatif”–but at the end of the day, it is a reassuring feeling knowing all the passengers on your flight are all “Negatif” as you drift back into a nice dreamy, midnight slumber on board the Air Tahiti Nui flight to LAX.  The toughest part is waking up to the Captain announcing, “Welcome to Los Angeles.”
Stay tuned as we begin uploading all of the stunning images from our Tikehau and Bora Bora adventures. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
I shall let the images tell our story in my next post.
Be Brave…Plan…and Just go!

My Heart Is Overjoyed As Europe Opens Its Doors: What You Need To Know Before You Go.

Saturday, June 12th, 2021

86648301_10159362378238032_5637962148794597376_n I am ready to return to bask in Italy’s glorious sunshine, to visit the places that hold so many special memories for me, but most of all, I am looking forward to once again reconnecting with my Italian friends who are like family to me.  What the unprecedented challenges brought on by the global pandemic has taught me–we must savor every day we are granted–to see and do and embrace the wonderful people with whom we share our earthly space.  Like many of you, the green light to travel again could not come soon enough.  With my newly-renewed, hot off the press, crisp, 50-page passport in hand, along with my “proof of vaccination” card, I’m ready to cross the big pond!


READY, SET, GO! #mypassport I list amongst my most treasured possessions.

READY, SET, GO! #mypassport I list amongst my most treasured possessions.


There’s no relief quite the feeling you get when your new passport finally arrives in the mail ready to be filled with stamps from all over the world! My previous passport was set to expire in 6 months, plus there was only one unstamped page remaining.

The landscape of travel has changed immensely, and it may never return to the way it once was. The most important advise I can give you–be prepared before you go. Please permit me to share with you the voluminous findings I have discovered as I prepare for my first Covid-era visit abroad, in hopes that I’ll save you some of the anguish I have experienced–and replace it with peace of mind and joyful anticipation as we prepare to Get Ready,  Set, Go!

The Important Steps To Take Before You Go


Once you determine where you want to go, get the latest facts, directly from each respective country what their entry and exit requirements are.  For example, for Italy, here are the details you need to know before you go:

Traveling To Italy:  Italy applies health-related restriction measures to incoming travelers, which may vary depending on your country of origin.

Before entering Italy, from any country of origin and for any travel reason, the digital European Passenger Locator Form (dPLF) must be compiled.

Travellers from EU countries, the Schengen areaGreat Britain and Israel can enter Italy without any quarantine obligation, provided that:

Entry and transit in Italy are forbidden for persons:

  • who, in the previous fourteen days, have stayed or transited in Brazil (see exceptions)
  • who arrive from or have stayed in the previous fourteen days in IndiaBangladesh and Sri Lanka (see exceptions)

Travelers from all other countries may be required to:

  • fill in the Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy
  • present a negative result for a molecular or antigenic swab taken no more than 72 hours prior to entry into Italy
  • notify arrival to the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority (toll-free numbers and regional information)
  • reach the final destination in Italy only by private means of transport
  • undergo fiduciary isolation and health surveillance for 10 days
  • at the end of the 10 day isolation, take an additional molecular or antigenic swab

Travelers arriving from some non-EU countries can enter Italy without undergoing fiduciary isolation and health surveillance provided they use COVID-tested flights (refer to the specific section).

You can find out the conditions of entry into Italy from your country with a couple of clicks at You will be asked to indicate:

  • Country of origin
  • Country(ies) you have travelled through in the last 14 days
  • Possession of EU citizenship or citizenship of a country in the Schengen Area
  • Possession of registered residence in Italy as a long-term resident or kinship with a long-term resident residing in Italy

At the end of this process, you will be informed if there are any restrictions in place for travel to Italy from your country, the documentation you will have to present and the conditions applied on your arrival.

National information line 1500 was activated by the Italian Ministry of Health to answer questions from the public about the novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV. The hotline is open 24/7.
Travelers can contact the Ministry of Health at the following numbers:

  • from Italy: 1500 (free toll number)
  • from abroad: +39 0232008345 – +39 0283905385

For more information, visit the specific Ministry of Health web page for travellers.


Passengers traveling on COVID-tested flights authorized by the Ministry of Health can enter Italy without having to comply with health surveillance and fiduciary isolation obligations.

Passengers traveling on “COVID-tested” flights are required:

  • to present a certificate to the airline on boarding and its control personnel testifying a negative result for a molecular or antigen swab test taken no more than 48 hours prior to boarding
  • to fill in the Passenger Locator Form to be presented before boarding
  • take another molecular (RT PCR) or antigenic swab test on arrival at the destination airport

Delta Airlines, American Airlines, and Alitalia offer COVID-tested flights from the USA to Italy.  For further information and a list of routes operating COVID-tested flights, consult the Ministry of Health website.


Throughout Italy, it is mandatory to wear a mask in public places indoors. The mask is also mandatory outdoors, except in cases where you are isolated from people who do not live together. In Lazio it is mandatory to wear a mask outdoors in any situation.

Those who are not required to wear masks:
– people who are carrying out sports activities
– children under the age of 6
– people with disabilities or conditions incompatible with the use of a mask; carers or care workers are not obliged to wear masks, in the event that the mask makes it impossible to interact between carers/care workers and persons with disabilities. The use of the mask is also recommended inside houses, in the presence of non-cohabiting people.

It is mandatory to maintain the safe distance of at least one metre from non-cohabiting people.

Some squares or streets may be closed to the public throughout the day or at certain time slots to avoid gatherings. Access to these squares or streets is allowed only to reach open shops and private houses.

It is recommended to limit travel, by public or private transport, for reasons of work, study, health, for reasons of necessity or to take advantage of services not suspended.

It is also recommended to download the Immuni app, created by the Ministry of Health and the Minister of Technological Innovation to limit the spread of Covid-19.



ItaloThe means of public transport can operate with 50% of passengers.


It is possible to travel by car without limitations together with spouses, cohabitants and stable relationships.

Non-cohabiting people

You can travel by car with up to 3 non-cohabiting people including the driver. Everyone in the car must wear a mask.
The passenger seat next to the driver must remain free. Passengers must sit on opposite sides of the rear seat leaving the centre seat free. If the car has several rear rows, it can accommodate a maximum of two passengers per row seated on opposite sides of the seat, leaving the center seat free.



To ensure the safety of residents and tourists, the Italian government has introduced a classification of regions based on the colors white (minimum risk), yellow, orange and red (maximum risk).

Each color corresponds to specific precautionary measures which regulate the freedom of movement within the region, movement between regions, and the opening of businesses, restaurants and cultural sites.

Movement between different regions in the white and yellow zones will be permitted.

Movement between different regions in the orange and red areas is allowed only for reasons of work, healthcare or proven urgency, with a self-certification indicating the reason for the move, or upon presentation of a COVID-19 green certification.



The COVID-19 Green Certificate is only valid in Italy and certifies:

  • that you have been vaccinated against COVID-19
  • that you have recovered from COVID-19 infection
  • that you have tested negative in a rapid molecular or antigen test

Vaccination certification is valid for nine months after completion of the vaccination cycle: if the vaccine envisages two doses, the nine-month validity period therefore begins with the administration of the second dose. Certification is also issued after the first dose; in this case, validity begins fifteen days after administration and expires upon administration of the second dose.
Certification of full health recovery is valid for six months. Certification of COVID-19 negativity is valid for 48 hours.

Green certification is required to move from one region of white or yellow to another region of orange or red color in the absence of work, health or proven urgency. In some cases you may need to have a green certificate in order to access particular events or shows, including sporting events in stadiums.

Certification is required for all subjects over two years of age.

You can apply for a COVID-19 green pass: through the health centre, doctor or health worker who administered the vaccine or the pertinent Regional Health Service; through the Local Health Authority (ASL), the health centre where you were hospitalized following COVID-19 infection or, if you were not hospitalized, your general practitioner or paediatrician; through the public or private health centre or pharmacy where you took the molecular or rapid antigen test (swab).

Italy recognizes as valid the green passes issued by other European Union member states.



The Digital Green Certificate (DGC) allows all travelers to move around freely within the European Union.

For travelers who wish to enter Italy, it will only be possible to use the DGC certificate after the creation of the Italian platform, which will be made official in coming weeks. Until such date, the instructions in the “Traveling in Italy” section at the top of this page must be followed.



Measures valid in AbruzzoFriuli Venezia GiuliaLiguriaMoliseSardiniaUmbriaVeneto.

There are no time restrictions for travel.

The obligation to wear masks and maintain a safety distance of 1 meter still apply.

Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and pastry shops are open. They must display a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed inside simultaneously.
Consumption at table is always allowed. There is no limit to the number of people who may sit at the same outdoor table. Up to a maximum of 6 non-cohabiting people may sit together indoors; there are no limits to the number of people for 2 families who decide to dine together at the same table.

The following venues are now open to the public:

  • indoor and outdoor swimming pools
  • outdoor and indoor sporting events
  • trade fairs, conferences and congresses
  • fitness and spa centers
  • theme and amusement parks
  • private parties, including those associated with civil and/or religious ceremonies,
  • outdoors and indoors
  • gaming halls and betting shops, bingo halls and casinos

For all other activities, measures valid in the yellow zone apply to the white zone (see the specific section).



The rest of Italy is currently in the “yellow zone”.



You may only go outdoors between 05:00 to 24:00.

As of 21 June 2021, there will be no time limits regarding mobility.


Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops shall remain open. They must display a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed inside at any particular time.
Consumption at table in restaurants is allowed both outdoors and indoors. No more than 4 people may sit at the same table, unless they co-habit. Home delivery of food is always allowed and also, until midnight, takeaway catering, with a ban on consumption at the premises or in the vicinity.

There are no time limits for restaurants in hotels and other hospitality establishments, as long as the service is limited to customers staying on the premises.
Bars, restaurants and similar businesses remain open within service and refueling areas along motorways, in hospitals and at airports.

Discotheques and dance halls are closed.

Arcades, betting centers, bingo halls and casinos will re-open to the public on 1 July.

With its crystal clear waters and the amazing seashore, Scilla is an excellent seaside destination in Calabria: defined “the Pearl of the Violet Coast” because of the color of its waters, on top of the beach is the Ruffo Castle overlooking the Strait of Messina. The large free beach of Marina Grande – also known as “Siren Beach” – is flanked with beach resorts where you can rent beach umbrellas and sunbeds, and where kids can have fun with slides and carousels.With its crystal clear waters and the amazing seashore, Scilla is an excellent seaside destination in Calabria: defined “the Pearl of the Violet Coast” because of the color of its waters, on top of the beach is the Ruffo Castle overlooking the Strait of Messina. The large free beach of Marina Grande – also known as “Siren Beach” – is flanked with beach resorts where you can rent beach umbrellas and sunbeds, and where kids can have fun with slides and carousels.With its crystal clear waters and the amazing seashore, Scilla is an excellent seaside destination in Calabria: defined “the Pearl of the Violet Coast” because of the color of its waters, on top of the beach is the Ruffo Castle overlooking the Strait of Messina. The large free beach of Marina Grande – also known as “Siren Beach” – is flanked with beach resorts where you can rent beach umbrellas and sunbeds, and where kids can have fun with slides and carousels.


Access to free beaches and equipped beaches is allowed.

Beach resort facilities may request reservations in order to access beaches. Measurement of body temperature is envisaged at the entrance. Each beach umbrella must have a free space of at least 10 square meters around it. The minimum distance between each deckchair or sun lounger must be at least one and a half meters. Individual sports such as beach tennis, swimming and surfing are allowed, provided that social distancing is observed. Masks are mandatory in common areas (bars, restaurants, etc.) as well as indoors. They are not mandatory on the beach provided you are at a safe distance from other persons.

On free beaches, the distance of at least one meter from other people must be upheld. When setting up umbrellas and deck chairs, the same indications as for beach resort facilities must be followed.



Outdoor swimming pools can be accessed by a limited number of people and preferably on booking.

Indoor swimming pools and wellness centers will be open from 1 July.



The shops shall remain open, and must display a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed inside at any particular time.
Shopping centers may also remain open at weekends and on holidays and pre-holidays.


The Baglioni Resort Sardinia, located to the north of San Teodoro, is the newest gem of the Baglioni Hotels & Resorts Italian Collection.

Opened on June 1st 2021 on Sardinia’s dreamy north-east coast, the Resort is immersed in a sublime natural landscape without peer in the entire Mediterranean and stands in the Tavolara marine reserve near one of the island’s most beautiful beaches, Lu Impostu.

The Baglioni Resort Sardinia, located to the north of San Teodoro, is the newest gem of the Baglioni Hotels & Resorts Italian Collection.

Opened on June 1st 2021 on Sardinia’s dreamy north-east coast, the Resort is immersed in a sublime natural landscape without peer in the entire Mediterranean and stands in the Tavolara marine reserve near one of the island’s most beautiful beaches, Lu Impostu.

This stunning, Sardinian jewel, the newest resort addition to the incomparable Baglioni Hotels Collection, is the #1 reason ESCAPESEEKER is so thrilled to travel to Italy!

This stunning, Sardinian jewel, the newest resort addition to the incomparable Baglioni Hotels Collection, is the #1 reason ESCAPESEEKER is so thrilled to travel to Italy! The Resort officially opened on June 1, 2021. Come join us: and experience the Italian grace for which the Baglioni name has become world-renowned. See you there!


The accommodation facilities are open, subject to compliance with social distancing, and as per protocols and guidelines adopted to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion.



Museums and other cultural institutions are also open on weekends. From Monday to Friday the admissions are limited to a maximum number of people (which varies depending on the capacity of the museum), in compliance with health prevention measures. For weekend visits you need to book online or by phone.



It is possible to attend the shows in cinemas, theatres, concert halls and other venues, including outdoor venues. The maximum number of spectators must not exceed 50% of the maximum authorised capacity, and in any case, may not exceed 1,000 people for outdoor performances and 500 people for indoor performances. The seating plan must ensure a distance of at least one metre between spectators.



Outdoor sporting events are open to the public. Indoor sporting events are open to the public as of 1 July. Indoor sporting events are open to the public as of 1 July. The maximum number of spectators must not exceed 25% of the maximum authorized capacity, and in any case may not exceed 1000 people for outdoor venues and 500 people for indoor venues. Seating must ensure a distance of at least one metre between non-cohabiting spectators.



From 15 June, trade fairs are allowed. From 1 July, it is also possible to organize conferences and congresses, subject to compliance with precautionary health measures.



Theme and amusement parks will be able to reopen to the public as of 15 June.


For detailed information at local level, please consult the websites of the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, as well as contact the respective editorial offices.

Abruzzo – Basilicata – Calabria – Campania – Emilia-Romagna – Friuli Venezia Giulia – Lazio – Liguria – Lombardy – Marche – Molise – Piedmont – Puglia – Sardinia – Sicily – South Tyrol – Tuscany – Trentino – Umbria – Valle d’Aosta – Veneto

Postscript:  It may seem overwhelming at first as you prepare–but I promise you, it will be absolutely worth it!

It’s time to liberate ourselves and reignite, fuel our passion for travel!

HERE’S TO RECLAIMING AND  LIVING OUR LIVES TO THE FULLEST! Remember, no matter where you go, be the kindest person you know. And, I promise, the world will open up to you.

With kindness and gratitude,


VENICE...The Land of Serenissima is where ESCAPESEEKER first began, and it shall always hold a special place in my heart.

VENICE…The Land of Serenissima is where ESCAPESEEKER first began, and it shall always hold a special place in my heart.



Our Amazing Asia Adventures Lead Us to the Majesty of Angkor and a French Colonial Oasis in the Heart of Siem Reap

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
A Magnificent Sunrise at Angkor Wat is absolutely worth the 4 a.m. wake-up call. Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world.  It is stunning for its grand scale and its incredible detail.

A Magnificent Sunrise at Angkor Wat is absolutely worth the 4 a.m. wake-up call. Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world. It is stunning for its grand scale and its incredible detail.

Story by Mel Gee Henderson

With Select Images captured by our Cambodian native Guide Extraordinaire, Ben Bond

What is Wat and What does it all mean?

Angkor Wat – built by Suryavarman II (r 1112–52) – is the earthly representation of Mt Meru, the Mt Olympus of the Hindu faith and the abode of ancient gods. The Cambodian god-kings of old each strove to better their ancestors’ structures in size, scale and symmetry, culminating in what is believed to be the world’s largest religious building.

The sandstone blocks from which Angkor Wat was built were quarried from the holy mountain of Phnom Kulen, more than 50km away, and floated down the Siem Reap River on rafts. The logistics of such an operation are difficult to comprehend, consuming the labor of thousands.

AngkorWat_Delaporte1880 (1)
According to inscriptions, the construction of Angkor Wat involved 300,000 workers and 6000 elephants, yet it was still not fully completed. You have to see it to believe!

The West Wall of the outer enclosure of Angkor Wat.

The West Wall of the outer enclosure of Angkor Wat.

The temple is the heart and soul of Cambodia, whose landscapes showcase an empire of temples, and a source of fierce national pride.

Today’s Cambodia is the successor state to the mighty Khmer empire, which, during the Angkorian period, ruled much of what is now Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The remains of this empire can be seen at the fabled temples of Angkor, monuments unrivalled in scale and grandeur in Southeast Asia. The traveller’s first glimpse of Angkor Wat is matched by only a few select spots on earth, such as Machu Picchu or Petra.

Pools of water reflect the harmony and majesty of Angkor Wat’s structures, while its five soaring towers resemble the lush forms of the green trees surrounding them. The most recognizable landmark at the Unesco World Heritage site of Angkor, the temple is regarded by many as the pinnacle of the brilliant, creative culture that flourished in the early reign of Cambodia.

Pools of water reflect the harmony and majesty of Angkor Wat’s structures, while its five soaring towers resemble the lush forms of the green trees surrounding them. The most recognizable landmark at the Unesco World Heritage site of Angkor, the temple is regarded by many as the pinnacle of the brilliant, creative culture that flourished in the early medieval reign of the Khmer empire.

It is believed Cambodia was once a major world power. A 2015 survey of the site has confirmed that colossal cities once lay near Angkor, and that Cambodia could well have been the largest empire on Earth in the 12th century.

From the ninth century, under the Khmer dynasty, Cambodia built up an empire that covered swaths of what was once known as Indochina [Laos, Thailand, Vietnam]. When the Khmer king Suryavarman II built the Angkor Wat temples in the 1100s, the empire was at the peak of its power. Angkor Wat, meaning “capital temple,” was sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu, and the complex’s architecture was greatly influenced by Indian style. In a sign of the region’s shifting religious loyalties, it was later adapted for Buddhist worship.

In the 1400s, the empire declined. The city was partly abandoned and rapidly swallowed by vegetation. Hundreds of years later, its mystery gave rise to outlandish myths among the first Europeans who saw it: Spanish missionaries attributed it to leaders like Alexander the Great, while others theorized it had been built by Jews who had passed through the region before settling in China.


20171103_162626If you go to Angkor Wat, request a guide who knows the Temples like the back of his hand!  Enter Cambodian Ben Bond.

What happens when you learn that your scholarly guide is also an outstanding photographer who knows exactly where the best photo ops are at all the Temples in Siem Reap? You go back to your hotel and revise your wardrobe so it’s more camera-friendly…one that merited his remarkable photography skills.

Morning Tour...our sunrise wardrobe...

Morning Tour…wonderful, benevolent, engaging new friends…and our super early sunrise wardrobe.

Upon discovering what a brilliant and clever photographer our guide is, we treated him to a beautiful lunch, and thereafter, revised our wardrobe...after all, we wanted it befitting the iconic world's wonder--that is Angkor Wat!

Upon discovering what a brilliant and clever photographer our guide is, we treated him to a beautiful lunch, and thereafter, revised our wardrobe…after all, we wanted it befitting the iconic world’s wonder–that is Angkor Wat! There is an elegance to these ancient monuments.

As we explored the Temples of Angkor, our guide captured one memorable moment after another.


DSC_0480       Our photographer wasn’t the only one reminding us to SMILE!

DSC_0499                                                       A goodbye kiss seems in order too.

If ancient trees could speak, what stories they would tell...

If ancient trees could speak, what stories they would tell…

Angkor may be the scene of one of the greatest vanishing acts of all time. The Khmer kingdom lasted from the ninth to the 15th centuries, and at its height dominated a wide swath of Southeast Asia, from Myanmar (Burma) in the west to Vietnam in the east. As many as 750,000 people lived in Angkor, its capital, which sprawled across an area the size of New York City’s five boroughs, making it the most extensive urban complex of the preindustrial world. By the late 16th century, when Portuguese missionaries came upon the lotus-shaped towers of Angkor Wat—the most elaborate of the city’s temples and the world’s largest religious monument—the once resplendent capital of the empire, scholars claim was in its death throes.

Scholars have come up with a long list of suspected causes, including rapacious invaders, a religious change of heart, and a shift to maritime trade that condemned an inland city. It’s mostly guesswork: Roughly 1,300 inscriptions survive on temple doorjambs and freestanding stelae, but the people of Angkor left not a single word explaining their kingdom’s collapse.

Recent excavations, not of the temples but of the infrastructure that made the vast city possible, are converging on a new answer. Angkor, it appears, was doomed by the very ingenuity that transformed a collection of minor fiefdoms into an empire. The civilization learned how to tame Southeast Asia’s seasonal deluges, then faded as its control of water, the most vital of resources, slipped away.


As they say, “When in Rome”…well, When in Siem Reap, and it just happens to be the second day of the city’s Water Festival and Moon Festival celebrations [Nov. 2, 3], you do what any enthusiastic visitor to the city does: You join the brilliant parade and dance to the beat of a brand new drum!  [Photocred: our amazing guide, Ben Bond]

Our Home Away from Home:  An Oasis in the Heart of Siem Reap


Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa Resort

Just 10 minutes away from the famed monuments, French colonial elegance sits harmoniously amidst the cool manicured gardens of Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort.

Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa ResortAnd, after walking and climbing throughout the temple grounds, a dream Spa was exactly what we yearned.


If Golf is your cup of Tee [pun intended], the Sofitel Golf course will surely have you seeing green...emerald green reminiscent of the golf courses in Ireland!

If Golf is your cup of Tee [pun intended], the Sofitel Golf course will surely have you seeing green…emerald green reminiscent of the golf courses in Ireland!

 The signature Sofitel touch is evident throughout this wonderful true respite from the hustle and bustle of this remarkable Cambodian treasure–the Temples of Siem Reap–that draws millions of visitors each year from every corner of the world.

Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa ResortSofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa ResortDining al fresco is such a terrific way to embrace that you are in fact residing in an incredibly exotic tropical region of the world!

We want to express our sincere gratitude to the entire Sofitel staff for the Royal treatment from the moment we were picked up at the Siem Reap airport, to the seamless check-in experience, to the daily “princess treatment” that gave us so much motivation to jump out of bed for we knew another amazing breakfast was in store to help fuel and energize our Cambodian exploration.

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Next stop…Our #amazingasiaadventures continue as we embark on the AmaDara Mekong River Cruise!

We hope you’ll stay tuned…



Here’s to #blissful #neverending #escapes!

Remember, no matter where you go, be the kindest person you know!  I promise, the world will open up to you,


Interested in joining my future adventures?  I welcome your emails, recommendations, comments, etc.







Mekong River Voyage of Discovery: Connecting Past and Present

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018

THE MEKONG RIVER…The artery that led us on our hearts’ life-long mission…to trace where our fathers once walked in time of war…we now walk in time of peace.

“In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage- to know who we are and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum, an emptiness, and the most disquieting loneliness. ” ~ Alex Haley, author of Roots, whom I had the privilege and honor of working with in the early 90’s impressed upon me the importance of knowing who we are, by researching the lives of those who bravely paved the path before us. 




By Mel Gee Henderson
with Maynhia Yang Stott
Photography by ESCAPESEEKER,
unless otherwise indicated

Prologue: Part 1

A.S. Peapealalo“Your Dad, Sgt. Major Peppy saved my life!” This was the remarkable sentiments expressed by soldier upon soldier as they shook my hand during my father’s packed Memorial Service. For you see, my father, a U.S. Marine whose military career spanned more than three decades, volunteered for deployment during the Vietnam conflict, not once, twice, or three times, but five!  It only seems natural then that he would have had occasions to save equally as many lives.
Back home, during my father’s absence, my mother served as CEO of our home.  My elder brother was in his prime (sometimes rather wild)  teen years; while I was still in the thick of my formative elementary school phase. My mother worked full time in order to stay sane and keep her mind off the Vietnam War fueled further by nightly news reports of the conflict only escalating. We, along with other military families in our Oceanside, California neighborhood learned to cope with our soldiers’ absence.  But underneath the calm exterior, even as a child, I knew full well that everyone dreaded the mere sight of the Chaplain’s black sedan slowly cruising our streets, looking for the designated address.  It only meant one thing: another life had been lost to the Vietnam War.

My Mission

Fast forward, 42 years after the Fall of Saigon, I am now granted the opportunity to walk the very same Asian soil my father walked.  The stark difference:  He walked as a soldier through enemy-thick jungles in sweltering heat, and marched with boots laced with leeches across verdant rice [mine] fields in war-ravaged Vietnam; I, however, now walk in time of peace.  I see a country that bears only a small resemblance to the images that lit up our TV sets, accompanied with disturbing, grueling reports about a war that few understood.  I feel compelled to learn all that I can about this Southeast Asia region that occupied a major chunk of my father’s life, and impacted our entire family…a familiar story that was repeated in homes across America’s vast landscape.

Part 2: Enter… Maynhia Yang Stott


​Maynhia with ESCAPESEEKER during our “Astonishing Australia” film shoot

How It All Began

In mid-October of 2017, I enjoyed a Chinese lunch with one of our most ardent ESCAPESEEKER Travel Series supporters who had accompanied our film crew on an epic, month-long Australia filming assignment in August of 2017. Her name:  Maynhia Yang Stott, a Hmong Laotian-French-American. She began to recall the story of how her family narrowly escaped from Communist-ruled Laos after the Fall of Saigon. As she spoke, I realized for the first time, the depth of how far this young entrepreneurial woman had come from that singular moment that her  2-year old self had literally been plucked from the grip of an extremely difficult and dangerous existence.  She looked me right in the eyes, and pointedly expressed,  “Mel, I want to go back to Laos, and learn more about my family’s past, and more importantly, I want to find a way to give back and help the Laotian people.  I want to improve the lives of impoverished children, who like me, need a chance for a better life.  Will you help me?  Remember, I was only 2 years old when I left. It is so foreign to me, and I know little about how to navigate that part of the world.”After giving it a great deal of thought, I suggested to her, “If we’re going to go back and learn more about your family’s heritage, then we must also explore the other countries that have impacted Laos history–the countries that make up Indochina:  Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam.  Throughout its history, the horror of wars that impacted one, impacted all three.  And, the best mode of travel since we are both unfamiliar with this part of Asia, I think we should consider joining the AmaWaterways‘ River vessel, the AmaDara, designed specifically to navigate the Mekong River and its complex arteries which embarks from a tiny port–a 5 hour drive from Siem Reap, Cambodia, and winds through the Mekong River until it reaches its final destination:  Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.”

Maynhia agreed. But before we join the AmaDara River Cruise Voyage, we shall first travel to the land of her roots, Laos, officially known as Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

The AmaDara, our chosen vessel for exploring the Mekong River and its tributaries.

The AmaDara, our chosen vessel for exploring the Mekong River and its tributaries.


Thus, the stage is now set for two friends to accomplish two distinct missions. Yet, both reasons for their journey are actually similarly tied; we both seek to understand our father’s past–a past that has played such an integral part in shaping our most formative years. 
To understand Maynhia’s motivations to return to Laos, you must first gain a glimpse into her family’s vivid past. 
Laos, a foreign name and an even more foreign land for a little girl who escaped the country as a two-year old toddler.

In her own words… 

My mother describes vividly how our family left Laos when the Americans pulled out of the Vietnam War. 

Xiang Khouang Deputy Governor Youa Pao Yang

Xiang Khouang Deputy Governor Youa Pao Yang

Because my Father,  Xiang Khouang Deputy Governor Youa Pao Yang, was a high Hmong official, and the first recognized Hmong Lao government official (along with General Vang Pao), who fought along side the Americans, his life was in real danger. In May 1975 the Americans sent choppers to evacuate the Hmong officials from Long Tieng. Choppers carried out air lift missions to Long Tieng for three days. Long Tieng was a Laotian military base located in Xiangkhouang Province.

During the Laotian Civil War, it served as a town and airbase operated by the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States. At that time my family lived in Ban Naso, a little village where we took refuge for four years after the capital seat of Xiangkhouang, Satong fell under the communist regime.

I was born in Ban Naso. We arrived in Long Tieng the second day after an arduous five hours drive. For two days my family tried to board with no success; the airport was crowded with people. When the helicopters arrived, they would rush and scramble to get on. The soldiers in charge of helping us couldn’t control the crowd. My mom was with child. She was holding a suitcase and carrying me on her back with a nyaaj, a traditional baby cloth carrier. I had just turned two years old. My dad was holding my older brothers’ hands. Kou was six, and Yi was four.  My sister Bao who was eight was old enough to walk by herself. My mom says this time was the scariest time of her life. She wasn’t scared of the enemy as much as she was of the crowd of people. They were so ruthless. It seemed that no one cared about anyone. Prior to the helicopters coming, the Americans told the people that they will only send helicopters to evacuate the officials and that the people were safe from the Viet communist since the communist will only punish or kill the officials.

The first day, the people let the officials board but like anywhere in times of war, fears and doubt creep into the peole’s mind and chaos acrrues. The second day, when we arrived the airport was crowded with people fighting to get on board the choppers. No one listened to the Americans anymore. It was survival of the fittest.

Whenever I doubt if I possess the courage and strength to undertake a new challenge, even a foreign venture, I think of my Mother and the tremendous strength and resolve she demonstrated to do what was necessary  to save our family and begin a new life, I question it no more.  Our family overcame huge financial, cultural, language obstacles to thrive in France, and ultimately settling in America as citizens. We've come so far since that terrifying river crossing.  Today, my mother still stands at the head of our family, reminding us that there's nothing we cannot conquer.   Where do I get my ability to easily adapt to any situation?  Her name is By Ly Yang, and she is my Mother.

Whenever I doubt if I possess the courage and strength to undertake a new challenge, even a foreign venture, I think of my Mother and the tremendous strength and resolve she demonstrated to do what was necessary to save our family and begin a new life, I question it no more.
Our family overcame huge financial, cultural, language obstacles to thrive in France, and ultimately settling in America as citizens. We’ve come so far since that terrifying river crossing.
Today, my mother still stands at the head of our family, reminding us that there’s nothing we cannot conquer.
Where do I get my ability to easily adapt to any situation? Her name is By Ly Yang, and she is my Mother.


After two days of trying to board to no avail, my mom suggested that my dad leave for Thailand by himself and she and the children will stay behind with my grand mother since his life was in imminent danger and ours was not. My dad refused to let us stay, and said he will find a way. We hired a taxi to drive us to Vientiane– an 8-hours drive through a small dirt road. It was just our little family. When we left Naso my dad told his body guards to go home and take their family to safety. Once in Vientiane, my dad’s 3-5 body guards  who were already there at our house, refused to let him go out since the city was already occupied by the communist. After three days they finally found a boat from a Thai man who agreed to help us. The body guards snucked us out of the city to the river bank and we finally crossed the Mekong river. They placed us in a boat and watched us cross, hidden from the river bank. When we reached the other side which was the city of Nong Khai, they returned to our house and gathered their families to make the same crossing we had just made. All of them made it safely across.

Fast forward–they now reside in the United States, or in France. Because my dad worked with the French government most of his life he chose to emigrate to France. We lived there for 14 years. This is my Dad in his civilian attire, thriving in his newfound, conflict-free, adopted country.facebook_1513140648467

After my father’s passing we moved to the United States to be reunited with my mom’s family. I was born in April of 1973. If you ask my mom, she will say that I was born when “we were planting.” That’s how the Hmong remember when their children were born. One would say “you were born just during the rice harvest because I remember that I couldn’t help since I was with child.” Another one would say, “you were born the year our dad passed away, at the beginning of the planting season. That year we didn’t farm much because we didn’t have a dad to help us anymore. You uncles were young so we didn’t have any men muscle to help us till the land. Farming was very small from then on, until your uncles were big enough to clear trees for a new farm land.”

As you can see everything was based on the agriculture calendar. It is bitter sweet to finally be in Laos. It’s a beautiful country. I love it already. I can imagine living here myself surrounded by the emerald forests, the majestic mountains, the deep valleys, and narrow roads; the hillside farmlands caressing the mighty Mekong River. The sad part is that we’re not able to visit the actual places where our family lived. They say the road to Sathon is too dangerous, and that we are likely to get mugged. They say that Long Tieng is now a closed base.  And, Ban Naso, where I was born, is now under an artificial lake. I hope to come back soon with my family.  Perhaps I can gather three  generations to return to Laos–to recall, to learn, and to pass on our family’s legacy. We will always be grateful for the sacrifices of our parents, for their courage in leaving their homeland, and the resilience to start over in a total foreign country with a vastly different culture. Most importantly, our parents stressed the importance of making a success of our lives so that someday, should we return to Laos, we can give back. This is the reason I have journeyed to Laos. It is my own personal journey of discovery, to learn more about who I am. And, equally important,  it’s time for me to find a way to give back.  ~ Maynhia Yang Stott

Lovely Laos...Gives whole new meaning to "A River Runs Through It."

Lovely Laos…Gives whole new meaning to “A River Runs Through It.”

First Sighting of the Mekong River: We fly to Laos’ Paksi Airport, and travel by car to Champasak.  Our Laos base of exploration–The River Resort, on the emerald banks of the Mekong River,  Champasak Province.

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The bamboo-lined entrance to The River Resort revealed an organized, naturally sculpted landscape captured in the image below, reflective of the fertile soil, and abundant flora along Mekong River’s edge.

IMG_3627 (1) [Photo Credit: The River Resort]

River Resort VillasThe minute we stepped into our clean, bright, simple, yet well-appointed villas, it’s clear that the architects and landscape artists of The River Resort put a great deal of thought behind its Southeast Asia design.

 After our long, multi-transpacific asiatic flights, we easily sunk into a deep slumber, serenaded by the sounds of the Mekong River’s rippling currents.

At dawn, I awoke to this glorious sight! The tiny silhouette of a Laotian fisherman in his boat already hard at work before sunrise.

Mekong from the River Resort

Fully energized after our hearty River Resort buffet breakfast, we spent the early morning learning more about The River Resort and making new friends with several of the local guests.  What an eye opener. We learned that many of the guests live in nearby Paksi, and travel to The River Resort for weekend get-a-ways because “it’s beautiful and they serve the best food in all of Champasak!”  By day’s end, after exploring and photographing the resort, and even receiving the most jet lag-curing massage from the Resort’s Spa therapist,  I eagerly created the following collage from the images I captured, accompanied by the following entry from my journal:

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Our Sunday was spent exploring our Laos #homeawayfromhome, The River Resort,  savoring the Chef’s unique culinary offerings, and making brand new friends, like 4-year old, Lin [pictured above in my Sunday collage] who can speak Lao, English and Chinese! Her beautiful Mama, Kitar also speaks beautiful English. Kitar says she learned to speak via the internet! How brilliant is that?#splendidsundaysentiments…After just two days, this is what we know: The beautiful Laotians we have met are warm, friendly, and oh so kind-hearted.

22885795_10156744730818032_2819682524662395027_nIt’s 1:08 a.m. on Monday morning and I’m too excited to sleep! I can’t wait for the sunrise so our adventures can continue. We’re heading towards the mountains to experience a plethora of waterfalls, and you know how I am when it comes to water, water, water! Have a beautiful week everyone, and remember, no matter where you go, be the kindest person you know. Honestly, the world is full of engaging friends, just waiting to be met. So…SMILE…and I bet you’ll make a new friend or two this week!  May we all strive to make the world a more loving place by learning to understand one another, and savoring cultures different from our own. You know what you’ll discover once you get to know one another? Beyond the differing language and religious faiths, the national attire, and really spicy foods, we’re really not that different after all. We all need to know that our lives matter…and we’re all striving to create meaningful, joyful lives infused with love by family and friends.  Goodnight for now, from#lovelylaos and The River Resort

We  awaken to such a flawless view of the mesmerizing Mekong River from our suite at The River Resort rested and ready yet again for another Champasak Province adventure.  And, the best part, Maynhia and I were able to share our adventures with our brand new friend whom we only met during our lunch at the Resort! She’s a Filipina (via Cyprus and Pakse, Laos that is), and we instantly became friends. It is as if we’ve known her forever. Her husband welcomed us to their beautiful home upon our return, and treated us to the most fabulous Italian dinner! Indeed, my ESCAPESEEKER theory rings true once again:  #theworldisfullofengagingfriendsjustwaitingtobemet


To understand the present, you must first study the past…
Temple (1)

  WAt PhuWat Phu (meaning ‘mountain temple’), is situated on a hillside and offers stunning views over the surrounding land and Mekong River. Those who appreciate art and history will be amazed by the magnificent workmanship in this ruined Khmer temple complex in the form of temple pillars, barays, lintels, pediments, terrace, courtyard, walls, doorways, sanctuary, shrine, library and palaces. There is also a natural spring that is believed by locals to emit holy water. Older than the great temple complex at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, Wat Phu was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2002.

Wat Phu (Vat Phou) is opened year round. It is located in Pakse, the main city of Champasack Province in southwestern Laos.  Visitors can travel to Wat Phu from Pakse via land or by boat along the Mekong River.

23032862_10156750438458032_5541436916855339063_nThis “Tuk Tuk” was our preferred land transportation for our temple visits. By the way, I didn’t really drive it. Best to hire a local driver who really knows his way around. Your task will be merely to wave to all the friendly locals because it will quickly become apparent that your driver knows everyone in town!

If you really want to get to know a place, get to know the locals.  Respectfully see, feel, hear, taste, embrace their country, and their culture through their eyes!  I promise, they will welcome you with open arms.

If you really want to get to know a place, get to know the locals.
Respectfully see, feel, hear, taste, embrace their country, and their culture through their eyes!
I promise, they will welcome you with open arms.

Our stay went by all too fast, and we knew we were going to have a really tough time saying goodbye to our new Lao friends, not to mention our delicious feast prepared by their French Chef, who thoroughly enjoyed conversing with Maynhia in her perfect French. Our private sunset cruise on the Mekong River with The River Resort Champasak  multi-tasking, multi-skilled team was exceptional. Honestly, their amazing native staff know the Mekong like the back of their hands, having grown up along the River. And, they seem to be able to do it all, wherever their skills are needed, and do so with a SMILE! Their pride in being part of “The River Resort family” is reflected in everything they do, and especially in how they extend the VIP treatment to all the guest!  We sure picked the perfect place for Maynhia to get a beautiful re-introduction into the land of her native roots:  LOVELY LAOS already has Maynhia and this ESCAPESEEKER longing to return!

#amazingasia Mekong River Voyage of Discovery… to be continued…Next Stop, The Splendor of Siem Reap!


Angkor Wat, Cambodia at sunrise is absolutely worth the 4 a.m. wake-up call. Thanks to our guide extraordinaire, Ben Bond, we were able to document our most amazing visit to the largest and oldest religious monument in the world, which has become a must-see destination in Asia. Now, the temple is part of Angkor World Heritage Site and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The name– Angkor Wat means “Temple City” in Khmer.  Ben advised us exactly where to stand to capture the very best images, and provided one mind-expanding, scholarly narration about each Temple we visited. It is easy to see he is absolutely passionate about his work, and so very proud for the opportunity to share his country’s most famous treasures. Please stay tuned tomorrow when ESCAPESEEKER brings you Part 3: Cambodia…There’s so much more than meets the eye! 

We can’t wait to show you where we stayed during our Siem Reap exploration. Talk about an absolutely luxurious “oasis” right smack in the heart of Siem Reap splendor. Just a short 10 minutes away from the famous ancient temples, we found French colonial elegance thriving amidst the manicured gardens of Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort!

Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa Resort


Oh, less I forget, we will also introduce you to a boatload of AmaWaterways’ “AmaZing” guests who share our insatiable wanderlust, many of whom we now count amongst our roster of global, brilliant friends.  My ESCAPESEEKERisms (things I personally believe to be true) clearly applies here:  If you wish to meet amazing friends, engage in amazing things. Yes, like traveling and discovering the sheer majesty of our wondrous world!

"Amazing Journeys" is an international travel program designed for Jewish singles and Jewish adult travelers of all ages. President and founder Malori Asman, brings with her over 30 years of travel industry experience.  Her travel experience speaks for itself—she has sailed on more than 100 cruises and has traveled to over 110 countries on seven continents! No wonder we instantly felt like soulmates. The seasoned team of Amazing Journeys plan, implement and personally escort 10-12 trips a year for Jewish singles around the world.  We had the good fortune of being on the same AmaDara Mekong River Cruise as Amazing Journeys, and well, it was exactly that:  AMAZING!

“Amazing Journeys” is an international travel program designed for Jewish singles and Jewish adult travelers of all ages. President and founder Malori Asman, brings with her over 30 years of travel industry experience. Her travel experience speaks for itself—she has sailed on more than 100 cruises and has traveled to over 110 countries on seven continents! No wonder we instantly felt like soulmates. The seasoned team of
Amazing Journeys plan, implement and personally escort 10-12 trips a year for Jewish singles around the world.
We had the good fortune of being on the same AmaDara Mekong River Cruise as Amazing Journeys, and well, it was exactly that: AMAZING!

[Photo Credit: Amazing Journeys]
















DISASTER RELIEF…Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Floods.

Thursday, September 21st, 2017



Children are literally in the eye of the storm. The Hurricane season has forced the most vulnerable children in the Caribbean into even more danger. Powerful earthquakes in Mexico have toppled buildings. Children’s homes have been destroyed and their schools have been disrupted. UNICEF is responding to catastrophic disasters and storms like Hurricanes Maria and Irma and the earthquakes in Mexico.

To learn what you can do to help, please go to:

Thank you,


ESCAPESEEKER Team Discovers the Vast Seemingly Endless Richness of Australia

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

18953535_10154742822112711_1961532902770320287_o (1)Indian Pacific panorama captured by passenger, Ian Quatermass


My indefatigable “Astonishing Australia” Advance Research Team is comprised of yours truly, ESCAPESEEKER series scriptwriter/photojournalist/Executive Producer; Roy A. Henderson, Executive Producer/Pilot/Aerial Photographer; Jim Jones, Stills Photographer and Program Advisory Team Member; Peg Whisler Jones, iPhone photog specialist/emphasis-social media [Team, Thank you for making every assignment a joyful experience.]
Qantas, Australia's flagship airline--you'll feel that signature Aussie hospitality the minute you board.

Qantas, Australia’s flagship airline–you’ll feel that undeniable Aussie hospitality the minute you board.

We embarked on our Sailaway Sunset Sail at Port Douglas, Queensland, and the goosebumps begin the minute you realize, I'm headed to the Great Barrier Reef!

We embarked on our Sailaway Sunset Sail at Port Douglas, Queensland, and the goosebumps begin the minute you realize, I’m headed to the iconic Great Barrier Reef (on the World Heritage List).

We said goodbye to the big city life and stepped back in time when riverboat trade only happened along the Murray River when this beautiful 'Princess' moved between small town ports.

We said goodbye to the big city life and stepped back in time when riverboat trade only happened along the Murray River when this beautiful ‘Princess’ moved between small town ports.

Watching the sun rise slowly peek through the mountain tops as we sailed high above the fertile Mareeba Valley with Hot Air Balloon Cairns made the 3:55 a.m. pick up time absolutely worth it!

Watching the sun rise slowly peek through the mountain tops as we sailed high above the fertile Mareeba Valley with Hot Air Balloon Cairns made the rather painful 3:55 a.m. pick up time absolutely worth it!

They should rename the "Raging Thunder Adventures" "Raging Laughter Adventures" because that's exactly what our footage from our white water rafting trip on the Barron River sounded like! I would do it again in a heartbeat

They should rename the “Raging Thunder Adventures” “Raging Laughter Adventures” because that’s exactly what our footage from our white water rafting trip on the Barron River sounded like! I would do it again in a heartbeat

Keeping Rottness Island Green requires you explore with a darling electric car, or on foot, or our favorite form--a bicycle!

Keeping Rottness Island Green requires we explore with a darling electric car, or on foot, or our favorite form–a bicycle!

How can we not accept the challenge to climb the iconic landmark, Sydney Harbor Bridge? If you're looking for a true HIGH--this is an absolute must do! #bestviewofyourlife

How can we not accept the challenge to climb the iconic landmark, Sydney Harbor Bridge? If you’re looking for a true HIGH–this is an absolute must do! #bestviewofyourlife

When your hear "Australia" you immediately think, "Kangaroo" right? So, of course we decide to begin our epic Advance Research assignment on Australia's southern KANGAROO ISLAND with Nikki Redman, the island's legendary native guide!  The minute we met her, we knew we were in for a brilliant experience!

When your hear “Australia” you immediately think, “Kangaroo” right? So, of course we decide to begin our epic Advance Research assignment on Australia’s southern KANGAROO ISLAND with Nikki Redman, the island’s legendary native guide! The minute we met her, we knew we were in for a brilliant experience!

Los Angeles, California ~ Ok, I have a confession.  After being in Australia for nearly a month, I’m definitely showing signs of Aussie withdrawal symptoms.  No more morning greeting with “How you goin’?”

No daily infusion of non-stop wit from our many, many, coast to coast, Australian guides who make you beg to ask, “How in the world did you all get to be so much fun?” Their general reply, “We’ve just learned not to take ourselves too seriously!” But seriously, what I’m about to recap for you in the next five minutes of some interesting travel reading (I hope)–is one of the most enjoyable, enriching, and exciting ESCAPESEEKER assignments we have ever undertaken.  So let me not waste any more of your precious seconds, and begin to articulate WHY AUSTRALIA IS ABSOLUTELY WORTH GOING THE DISTANCE (especially for North Americans).

First stop:  Hello Kangaroo Island

KI Map and continent

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After being transported by the SeaLink coach from Adelaide to Cape Jervis through the Fleurieu Peninsula, about 1.30 hours scenic drive, we arrived at the Ferry Terminal, proceeded to check-in, and shortly thereafter boarded the SeaLink Ferry for the 45-minute crossing to Kangaroo Island.  Upon arrival we were met by Kangaroo Island native, and seasoned guide, Nikki Redman, holding up our beautiful frequent sight–the ESCAPESEEKER welcome sign!

After the usual intros, we set off on our first day of Kangaroo Island Odysseys‘ exploration on board a super roomie, luxurious Mercedes 4-wheel drive vehicle, which we would soon discover Nikki handled with total ease as she multi-tasked:  talking in her melodic Aussie accent as she briefed us on everything we ever wanted to know about Kangaroo Island–including all those interesting facts only local insiders know; driving confidently no matter the road conditions as some of the roads are unsealed, and extra care must be taken; and Nikki has this amazing ability to spot wildlife, no matter where they’re hiding–and sometimes, this is while she’s navigating enthusiastically behind the wheel!

Kangaroo Island, Australia’s third-largest island, is 155 km (96 miles long and 55 km (34 miles wide. Located 16 km (10 miles) off the Fleurie Peninsula, the island was the site of South Australia’s first official colonial settlement, established at Reeves Point in 1836. However, the settlement was short-lived, and within just four years had been virtually abandoned. The island was then settled during the remainder of the 19th century as communications improved with the new mainland settlements.


 Travel Alert: There is no public transport on Kangaroo Island

Visitors must travel on a tour or by car. If you really prefer to focus on having the best wildlife sightings, I highly recommend going the tour route, and if you can, do as my team and I did, and booking a private tour guide.  One outstanding perk with your private tour guide–Nikki prepared some amazing meals for us during our time with her, so delicious we would almost forget that we are actually on a specific work assignment to find the interesting facts, experiences that will fill a future 27-minute episode for our special transcontinental coverage of ESCAPESEEKER: Astonishing Australia.

We've never met a guide who can multi-task like Nikki--talk about #wonderwoman!

I can tell you this in advance–Kangaroo Island doesn’t lack program content.  I can’t share everything we learned, or else you would not have any further reasons to watch the Kangaroo Island episode starring our brilliant, exceptionally fun, and witty guide, Nikki Redman.  But here’s a little teaser you might not already know:  Are you aware that Kangaroo Island is home to well over a million Tammar wallabies? Or that female wallabies actually put their pregnancies on hold if conditions aren’t suitable for the baby joey to be born?

Our first wildlife sighting shortly after arriving at Kangaroo Island: #wondrouswallaby (I couldn't resist the hashtag and alliteration) The name "wallaby" comes from Dharug 'walabi' or 'waliba'.  Young wallabies are known as "joeys", like many other marsupials. Adult male wallabies are referred to as bucks, boomers, or jacks. An adult female wallaby is known as a doe, flyer, or jill.  A group of wallabies is called a court, mob, or troupe. [Moment captured by ESCAPESEEKER photog, Jim Jones]

Our first wildlife sighting shortly after arriving at Kangaroo Island: #wondrouswallaby (I just couldn’t resist the hashtag and alliteration) The name “wallaby” comes from Dharug ‘walabi’ or ‘waliba’. Young wallabies are known as “joeys”, like many other marsupials. Adult male wallabies are referred to as bucks, boomers, or jacks. An adult female wallaby is known as a doe, flyer, or jill. A group of wallabies is called a court, mob, or troupe. [Photocred: Jim Jones]

Did you also know that the sea lions on Kangaroo Island make the 120 kilometre return journey to the continental shelf looking for food every six days, themselves risking becoming food for hungry Great White Sharks and Orcas?


Our guide knew so much about Kangaroo Island’s flora and fauna that when Nikki described them in great detail, it was already  like watching a Nature segment on PBS!  The more we discovered about Kangaroo Island’s unique wildlife, and indigenous plants, as well as its stunning geography, also carved out by the forces of Nature–wind, rain, and sea–the more inspired we are to capture the endless beauty of this incredibly pristine, revered island.  It is Australia’s own version of the Galapagos in all its wondrous glory. From Koalas napping peacefully on their native tree branch,  to silhouettes of kangaroos grazing across the meadow at sunset, to pristine beaches that caress a vast panorama of the deep blue Southern Ocean, our multi-Emmy-award winning cinematographer, Evan Zissimopulos is surely going to think he died and went to heaven!

Kangaroo Island has always fascinated me ever since my eldest daughter, Joanna Gee who at 15 was awarded “Science Student of the Year” at her High School and subsequently selected to be part of the People to People International Student Travel Program. Joanna chose to travel to Kangaroo Island to study Marine Biology.  Joanna even made sure she was scuba-certified by her departure date, even if it meant passing her open dives in the frigid winter waters of Flaming Gorge in Utah! Well, fast forward, today Joanna is a Financial Analyst for a major tech company, but to this day, she has never forgotten her amazing time at Kangaroo Island. “Mom, t’s a haven for wildlife.  The air is fresher, the skies are bluer, and the Aussies are just the nicest people on earth.”  On that note, how can I not include Kangaroo Island on our epic #astonishingaustralia special series? Consider it done, Joanna! Thank you for inspiring me all those years ago.  What took me so long?

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 Second Stop:  Alluring Adelaide:  Artistry by Design


Once our Kangaroo Island Odysseys adventure was completed, we returned to the mainland via SeaLink Ferry, and once again picked up by SeaLink coach and guest by guest returned to our respective Adelaide hotel.



Our choice–the redesigned, and meticulously preserved,  luxurious 5-star Mayfair Hotel. 

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Wait until you sink your tired body  into their luxuriously famous king size bed after a long day of exploration.  We’ve never felt anything like it, and we understand the beds are manufactured right in Adelaide. Honestly, I slept like a baby!

Mayfair-HotelHennessyBarLR (1)

Adelaide’s abuzz about The Hennessy, Mayfair Hotel’s hottest Rooftop Bar.

Why visit Adelaide?

Adelaide, the state capital of the Southeast region is rich with pine forests; world-class wineries in its surrounding hills that are dotted with fertile vineyards from the Barossa Valley to McLaren Vale; to the east, the great Murray River meanders from the Victoria border down to the Southern Ocean (more on that later), and the topping on the cake for beach lovers like me–Adelaide boasts a spectacular coastline including the popular white sandy beaches of Gulf St. Vincent.

Did you know no convicts were transported here?

Home to Aborigines for more than 10,000 years, the region was settled by Europeans in 1836 when Governor John Hindmarsh proclaimed the area a British colony. William Light, the Surveyor General, chose the site of the city of Adelaide.  The settlement was based on a theory of free colonization funded solely by land sales, and no convicts were transported here.  Adelaide was carefully planned by Colonel Light with its ordered grid pattern, anchored by pretty squares and gardens, the city is surrounded by luscious green parkland.


Beyond the well-designed public parklands, one of the vivid character traits Adelaide possesses which visitors quickly note upon arrival is the abundance of architectural wonders.  The city is like a blank canvas for modern architects, and what they’ve designed and engineered is pretty amazing!  Here are just a few total stand-outs: [L to R]  UoA Adelaide Medical & Nursing School;  South Australian Health and Medical Institute, (SAHMI, also nicknamed “The Grater”)  [Bottom L] Rundle Mall

The State Capital, Adelaide is a brilliant,  living Architectural Museum!

The State Capital, Adelaide is a brilliant, living Architectural Museum!

The city reflects the residents forward thinking attitude, as well as their youthful approach to maintaining a high quality of life–and that means living well, eating healthy, staying fit, and taking the time to smell the roses. And, there’s no better place to get a whiff of the floral varieties than at the spectacular glasshouse at Adelaide Botanic Gardens.

Adelaide-Botanic-Glasshouse (1)

Nothing fuels our appetites than a full day of exploration. We love knowing our Mayfair Hotel boasts one of Adelaide’s most highly-regarded culinary artist–Chef Bethany Finn at The Mayflower Restaurant and Bar.

Chef Bethany (1)

A fun insider info–Chef Bethany nurtures her very own Beehives on the Rooftop of the Mayfair Hotel, which produces the most exquisite honey I’ve ever tasted. Perhaps it’s because these bees reside in luxury?  Chef Bethany finds numerous tasty ways to  brilliantly weave her freshly harvested, purest honey into both the Bar’s signature drinks,  and the mouth-watering recipes she prepares at the Mayflower Restaurant! Livin’ is definitely sweeter at the Mayfair.  And, less you forget, when the day is over we also get to sink ourselves into one of the Mayfair‘s  heavenly beds! #tia: #ThisIsAustralia. Hospitality Extraordinaire!

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Goodnight.  Please stay tuned for more amazing adventure updates as we report on:

> Southern Australia’s food and wine connoisseur’s mecca–the fertile hillsides, vineyard-dotted,  Barossa Valley–an easy hour’s drive from Adelaide;

> the many things we learned from our pleasantly soothing River Cruise on board the p/s  Murray Princess.

> our unforgettable, adventure-filled week in Queensland at Thala Beach Nature Reserve and the Great Barrier Reef, one of Australia’s greatest treasure;

> our epic Great Southern Rail transcontinental journey on the Indian Pacific “Platinum Service” across the Great Outback, from Sydney to Perth;

> our wildly pristine surprise at Rottnest Island;

> and, Perth Perfect is exactly that–Perfect!  Take a sunset cruise on board Captain Cook Cruises, and you’ll understand what I mean.

> And, less I forget, our beautiful stay in the most envied postcard-perfect Harbour capital in the world–Splendid Sydney!

If you’re starting to think Australia just might have it all, may I simply say you could well be on the right track indeed. This may also explain the very reason visitors have been known to arrive in Australia and never leave!


In the interim, here’s to Blissful, Endless Escapes…and, remember, no matter where you go, be the kindest person you know.

With love,




Monday, May 1st, 2017

ESCAPESEEKER POST PRODUCTION  ~ They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Accordingly,  moving pictures must then be worth a thousand stories right? My amazing ESCAPESEEKER film team and I are thrilled  to share the following first look at our Ecuador Unequaled promo, which I am confident will help illustrate how we capture each destination’s unique stories. As the ESCAPESEEKER series’ writer and host, I’m a firm believer that the stories are best told by the actual inhabitants–joyful, kind-hearted, generous, engaging–we seek out those  who know best, and who proudly cherish their native land.

The Amazon grabs at your heart and never lets go. Our authentic Amazon experience during our stay at  La Selva Amazon Eco-Lodge & Spa is something we will always cherish.

The Amazon grabs at your heart and never lets go. Our authentic Amazon experience during our stay at La Selva Amazon Eco-Lodge & Spa is something we will always cherish.


I continually strive to utilize my interviewing skills a seasoned global journalist to present the right questions and allow our featured native “stars” to speak straight from their heart. Combined with my passion-driven,  Emmy award-winning team’s photographic talents and artistry, I hope you’ll agree after viewing the promo that we achieved our lofty objective! We’ll keep you updated as to the exact broadcast dates and times of our brand new ESCAPESEEKER 2017 PBS Fall Season launch as soon as it becomes available.  In the meantime, dream…and we hope you too, will be inspired to explore and discover this enticing, unequaled country we call ECUADOR!  There’s no other place in the world that can compare.


We wish to express our gratitude to all of our many Ecuadorian newfound friends who opened your doors to us, welcomed us warmly, and granted us an honest and rare insider’s glimpse into your extraordinary, inspiring lives.

#musicistheuniversallanguage: We had the privilege of witnessing the most fabulous evening immersed in beautiful Ecuadorian folk music at MISQUILLA with its Founder, Juan Fernando Velasco, Latin Grammy Nominated artist, who also featured his gifted Ecuadorian talents. #ittakesavillagetoproduceESCAPESEEKER

#musicistheuniversallanguage: We had the privilege of witnessing the most fabulous evening immersed in beautiful Ecuadorian folk music at MISQUILLA with its Founder, Juan Fernando Velasco, Latin Grammy Nominated Artist, who also featured his gifted, fellow-Ecuadorian talents. #ittakesavillagetoproduceESCAPESEEKER

#envision. #explore. #embrace.

For a country its size, Ecuador offers an incredible list of #unequaledexperiences.  With its Andean peaks, Amazon rainforest, indigenous markets, colonial towns–not to mention one of the most famous chains of volcanic islands in the world, inhabited by fascinating wildlife, some of which are found only in the Galapagos!

The Fausto Llerena Tortoise Center, a long-term program run jointly by the Galapagos National Park Directorate and the Charles Darwin Foundation, began in 1965 to save the giant tortoise population on Pinzón. It was quickly expanded to include other populations, in particular that of Española where only 14 individuals remained. As of 2008, more than 4,000 young tortoises from eight different populations have been repatriated to their island of origin, with nearly 1,500 going back to Española.

The Fausto Llerena Tortoise Center, a long-term program run jointly by the Galapagos National Park Directorate and the Charles Darwin Foundation, began in 1965 to save the giant tortoise population on Pinzón. It was quickly expanded to include other populations, in particular that of Española where only 14 individuals remained. As of 2008, more than 4,000 young tortoises from eight different populations have been repatriated to their island of origin, with nearly 1,500 going back to Española.



Charles Darwin described them as "hideous-looking" and "most disgusting, clumsy lizards." It's true, they're not pretty, with their wide-set eyes, smashed-in faces, spiky dorsal scales, and knotty, salt-encrusted heads. But what these unusual creatures lack in looks they make up for with their amazing and unique ecological adaptations. Wait until you see the fascinating footage we captured! I personally think 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'--do you agree?

Charles Darwin described them as “hideous-looking” and “most disgusting, clumsy lizards.”
It’s true, some may say decide they’re not pretty, with their wide-set eyes, smashed-in faces, spiky dorsal scales, and knotty, salt-encrusted heads. But what these unusual creatures lack in looks they make up for with their amazing and unique ecological adaptations. Wait until you see the fascinating footage we captured! I personally think ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’–do you agree?

We feel it an absolute privilege to share Ecuador’s unique character, soulful heart, and unequaled beauty with the rest of the world. We could not have done it without your invaluable and generous support. On behalf of my entire ESCAPESEEKER team, Muchas Gracias!

Our destinations featured:

Quito:  Casa Gangotena, [] with music segment at Misquilla, []

The High Andes’ Rainforest: Mashpi Lodge []

The Ecuadorian Amazon: La Selva Amazon Eco-Lodge & Spa []

The Galapagos Islands: Haugan Cruises’ catamaran, “Petrel” []

Our heartfelt Thank you also to our brilliant, indefatigable ESCAPESEEKER Ecuador Unequaled “Guest Talents” who fuel our innate wanderlust and beautifully manifest their insatiable passion for travel:

#thewindbeneathmywings:  Evan Zissimopulos, Jacob Voelzke, Roy Henderson, John Hempellman, Mary McGill, Dawn Adams, J. Dann Adams, Marjorie MacArthur, Tom Whittier, Christine Hedges, [Not pictured: Mimmie Byrne, Byrne, Melody Clyde]

#thewindbeneathmywings: Evan Zissimopulos, Jacob Voelzke, Roy Henderson, John Hempellman, Mary McGill, Dawn Adams, J. Dann Adams, Marjorie MacArthur, Tom Whittier, Christine Hedges, [Not pictured: Mimmie Byrne, Byrne, Melody Clyde]

Interested in joining our amazing team? FYI…Our #1 Rule we require all to adhere–You must take off your [American] lenses and see, feel, taste, embrace the country respectfully through the eyes of the natives.

Would you like more details or have questions regarding our #ecuadorunequaled adventure?


Feel free to write me at: or let’s chat via Facebook:

I would love to hear from you!

Here’s to Blissful, Endless ESCAPES…

And, remember, no matter where you go, be the kindest person you know,


Saying Goodbye to Ecuador with a heart full of #gratitude #unequaled...

Saying Adios to Ecuador with a heart full of #gratitude #unequaled…




Saturday, December 17th, 2016

December 2016: The Year I Brought The Rock Star Humanitarian,


Face to Face with the World’s #1 Diplomat,


Secretary General of the United Nations


New York City ~ On December 3, 2016, His Excellency, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of the United Nations bestowed upon iconic Aerosmith frontman and Rock Legend, Steven Tyler the HCUND* 2016 Humanitarian Award at the United Nations Ambassadors’ Ball for his tireless efforts as the Founder of humanitarian initiative,

The honor is in recognition of the musician’s philanthropic partnership with Youth Villages through Janie’s Fund, created by Tyler in 2015 to give his voice to vulnerable girls who have experienced the trauma of abuse and neglect and are being helped by Youth Villages.

“As a father to three daughters, a son, and, now a grandfather, it broke my heart to learn that each year in America alone 700,000 children are victims of serious abuse or neglect and 68,000 will be sexually abused,” Tyler said. “All abuse is wrong — verbal, physical, sexual, emotional. We need to have better ways as parents to help our children and support them. Way too many kids are experiencing abuse, and we want to change that. Enough is enough.”

In its first year, Janie’s Fund has gained 2,700 supporters from 38 countries who have contributed more than $1.9 million to help girls receive evidence-based help so that they can overcome the trauma of abuse and neglect. This year, Janie’s Fund will allow Youth Villages to provide more than 18,000 days of care to girls in need, directly helping more than 300 girls.

Tyler has long had a desire to help with this issue, dating back to the 1980s when he was in a program for his own recovery. Hearing the personal accounts of women who had experienced incredibly painful and debilitating sexual abuse as children, he saw how the abuse put them on a path of suffering, post-traumatic stress and other disorders that eventually led to substance problems. It was their plight that inspired Tyler to compose the song, “Janie’s Got A Gun.”

“I personally know how addiction can fracture lives,” Tyler said. “I don’t wish that on anyone. To use my voice and the voices of many others to help these girls once again find their voice is my mission.”


img_7774In October I boarded a plane to Mexico City. My mission–to meet our honoree face to face. After all, as the Chair of the 2016 U.N. Ambassadors’ Ball Steering Committee entrusted with the responsibility of selecting the 2016 Humanitarian Award Recipient, I had lobbied diligently several weeks prior for Steven’s nomination.  And, now, with the big day fast approaching when I would actually be introducing him to the Secretary General plus a host of Ambassadors from around the world, I decided it was definitely time to look him in the eye.  After all,  I had never introduced someone I had never met. I had conducted countless researches on Steven. But, I wanted to get beyond what all of us music fans already knew: His remarkable global success as the dynamic front-man of the legendary rock band, Aerosmith; and Hailed by Rolling Stone Magazine as “one of the greatest singers of all time.” He and his band have sold more than 150 million records; won 4 Grammy Awards, 6 American Music Awards, 4 Billboard Music Awards, and let’s not forget his own Emmy Award too! In addition to having number one hits, gold, platinum and multi-platinum album certifications, he and his band are on the highly coveted wall of inductees–the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame!

With all of his hard-earned success, the world-wide adulation and fame, one would think that our honoree would be content to just bask in his beloved Hawaiian sunshine long into his Golden years right? Au Contraire!

For nearly an hour, I was granted a one-on-one talk with Mr. Steven Tyler, and this is what I learned: The proud father, and now a grandfather too, is applying his BIG VOICE recognized the world over, to raise awareness, bring hope and healing to a sector of our society that desperately need to be heard: the broken, the neglected, the forgotten victims of sexual abuse—young girls and young women whose entire lives have been altered from the trauma forcefully inflicted upon them.

As he spoke I listened intently to know whether what I was hearing was coming from his heart. There was no publicist or manager in the room, no one to filter his thoughts; no cameras rolling — Just a simple heart to heart conversation. He told me of the early 70’s when his Rock-N-Roll lifestyle was very different than it is today. And, he openly shared the toll that lifestyle brought upon him, his family, and even his relationship with his Band. But it is also those incredibly difficult seasons in his life that have given him a magnified dose of compassion… of genuine empathy for those suffering…and transformed his Big Voice into a fine tuned instrument for good.

Steven Tyler with Aerosmith leading a packed arena of avid fans to a chorus after chorus of "Dream On!"

Steven Tyler with Aerosmith leading a packed arena of avid fans to a chorus after chorus of “Dream On!”

Thereafter, I joined a concert packed with 23,000 Spanish-speaking fans singing in total harmony, every English word memorized verbatim. It is clear that Steven continues to inspire millions through his music—and through his personal example—of triumphantly overcoming life’s refiner’s fire– that each of us can find the strength to rise above, even life’s toughest challenges to help others find their own path to healing and live productive lives.

We reviewed several candidates for this award, with causes in harmony with what our Secretary General has tirelessly championed. We sought authenticity—not just a “lent” famous face because his/her publicist thought it’s “good for your image.” And, I was directed to the story of a broken girl…who told her story to someone who truly listened…so moved and haunted was Steven Tyler by her story that he wrote a song… and, the song resonated around the world. Her name was Janie.

I know there are women around the world who will jointly celebrate Steven’s Humanitarian Award because Janie’s story is part of their story too…and they too prayed someone would come to their rescue.

Yes, we all know about his iconic RockStar Big Voice—but now the rest of the world will learn he possesses an even BIGGER HEART! As a mother of 4 grown daughters, and 8 granddaughters,  it brings me great comfort knowing there is someone like Steven who has made it his life’s mission to stop the horrific abuse suffered by girls for as he and the Secretary General jointly proclaim “It has to stop! Enough is Enough.”

Seeing this image captured by photographer, Don Pollard during my introduction of Steven Tyler at the 2016 United Nations Ambassadors' Ball. Those are my words, penned on Friday, submitted to the Secretary General's team for approval then sent on Saturday at 2 a.m. the day of the event to Steven's Production Manager to add to their teleprompter operator's roster. And, these are the very sentiments I expressed and which Steven was hearing for the very first time when this moment was captured.

Seeing this image captured by photographer, Don Pollard during my introduction of Steven Tyler at the 2016 United Nations Ambassadors’ Ball. Those are my words, penned on Friday, submitted to the Secretary General’s team for approval then sent on Saturday at 2 a.m. the day of the event to Steven’s Production Manager to add to their teleprompter operator’s roster. And, the above are the very sentiments I expressed, and which Steven was hearing for the very first time when this moment was captured.

This is but one of my 2016 “Pinch Me Moments,” and it is my hope  that you too may be inspired by Steven’s determination and tireless focus to make a positive difference in the lives of others.  May we each strive to be #instrumentsforgood. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

During this Christmas Season, I cannot think of a more appropriate way to honor the birth of Jesus Christ than to love and care for one another.  As Steven has proven, no matter our chosen profession, there is something we can all do to help those in need;  all we have to do is commit to live a purpose-driven life…a soulful life tuned in to the needs of the broken amongst us.  After all, haven’t we all walked that difficult path, at least once in our lives? I believe compassion is nurtured…nurtured by our own personal sufferings. May we all find a way to lend a helping hand…and make this world a brighter, kinder place.


To share this extraordinary event with my 4 daughters and eldest granddaughter made it even more unforgettable.  It's so important to me that they too become a force for good.

To share this extraordinary event with my 4 daughters–Joanna Fankhauser, Gabrielle Chow, Christina Noakes, Miristi Gee,  and my eldest granddaughter, Leah Boice made it even more unforgettable. It’s so important to me that they too strive to be a force for good.














#tremendoustuesdaytip: ROBERT Restaurant NYC ~ Delicious and Inspiring!

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

robertColumbus Circle, NYC ~ I have a new favorite restaurant, thanks to my dear friend, Marlon Corvera, Jeffrey Rüdes’ world-renowned “Style Advisor to the Stars” who clearly has the talents and palate for discovering NYC’s finest Chefs too! Marlon and I serve on the Steering Committee for the 2016 United Nations Ambassadors’ Ball and he has taken on the task of making sure we are able to multi-task during his rare vacant time slots on his incredibly packed schedule. The result–we dine at establishments that are also engaged in our highly-anticipated charity event–while we meet with some of NYC’s finest talents too.  Yes, Marlon leads the way in the “art of time management” and that leads me to today’s “delicious and inspiring” story.  The gathering place — Robert restaurant on Columbus Circle.  The cast–Marlon Corvera, Luz Thoron MacArthur [Chair, 2016 United Nations Ambassadors’ Ball]; Inga Ramos, Lanvin Paris Store Director; Ana Harris, Robert NYC; and its star Executive Chef Luísa Fernandes! Oh, less I forget, yes, the ESCAPESEEKER is present too, this time I’m serving as Chair of the Steering Committee as noted above, and Vice-Chairman of the 2016 United Nations Ambassadors’ Ball.  I also serve on the Advisory Council of the  Hospitality Committee for United Nations Delegations [HCUND] under whose umbrella the entire orchestration of the Ball is conducted.  Yes, it’s a lot of hats for one person.  But then again, why not wear three hats when you’re in NYC where there are so many, many talented individuals from which to draw outstanding ideas and continuous inspiration.  And, #inspiration is exactly what I derived from speaking to Executive Chef Luísa Fernandes.

In Pursuit of her Passion:  An Extraordinary Journey

You may recognize Portuguese Chef Luísa Fernandes on the Food Network’s Chopped episode back in November, 2009, where viewers  were instantly enamored by the passion and love the joyful Chef Luísa puts into the three dishes each contestant was required to prepare. Chef Luísa’s innovative cooking skills and calm, confident demeanor earned her the day’s top prize of $10,000.

Chef Luisa Fernandes

”I think that the victory is not mine, but all of ours [Portugal’s], because I’m Portuguese and proud when people recognize our cuisine. That’s why I will never enter another contest unless I can cook the cuisine from our country” said Luisa, during the post interview. One year later, on September 14, 2010 she returned as one of the four contestants of Chopped Champions.

Today, I had the privilege of learning more from Chef Luisa; there is definitely more to this talented Portuguese Chef than just winning Chopped. She is an inspiration to women everywhere, including this ESCAPESEEKER!

Be Willing to Re-Write Your Life’s Script

Chef Luísa was born in Monte Real, Leiria, Portugal. For the first 30 years of her career, she was an orthopedic surgery assistant nurse in which two of those years, she served as a parachute nurse. Luisa traveled throughout Europe, Malta, Morocco, Canada, Mexico, Sudan and Rwanda where she learned many cooking techniques from these cultures. With her passion for cooking she followed her dream and opened her own restaurant called Tachos de São Bento in Lisbon, Portugal. The restaurant proved a big hit with the locals, which included influential politicians. Restaurant consulting opportunities quickly followed, as well as television appearances. Luísa and her restaurant were featured in French Elle magazine.

Portuguese-Dinner1Although Luísa was enjoying her success in Portugal, in 2003 she decided to pursue her dream of moving to New York City. When she arrived at Kennedy Airport, not knowing any English, and without any job prospects she thought to herself, “If I find a job working in a restaurant I’ll stay in New York. If not, then I’ll spend three weeks vacationing in NY, then return home.”

Six days later, she landed a job at the Portuguese restaurant Alfama. Two years later she moved on to Galitos Restuarant in Mount Vernon NY. In August 2005 Westchester Magazine named her as one of the “The Top 10 Best Chefs” of Westchester, NY.

Luísa’s ambition is evident in her extensive resume which includes working as pastry chef at the United Nations, many New York restaurants such as Park Blue, Tintol, Georgia’s Cafe, Bairrada Restaurant, Nomad, and at Best Chocolate Cake In the World. She has hosted several events at Jame Bear, Cordon Bleu Institute (Boston), William Sonoma, New York Volunteer of America and Portugal Day in Central park. She was a private chef for pearl and jewelry mogul, Salvador Assael. She has also catered private parties for celebrities i.e., Johnny Dep, and for Portuguese government entities. Chef Luísa has been featured in numerous publications including the the New York Times, Diners Journal, Plate Magazine, Specialty Food Magazine, Luso Americano, Jornal Expresso, Mundo Português, Jornal de Economia, and Ionline.


the-fantastic-vewChef Luísa continues her successful journey in the highly competitive, world-class culinary universe as Executive Chef of NYC’s popular gathering place, Robert restaurant atop The Museum of Arts and Design [MAD] on Columbus Circle.

The restaurant offers diners spectacular views of Central Park, Broadway, Central Park West and Columbus Circle while savoring the delectable, mouth-watering creations of Chef Luísa. I like to call it, “Inspired Dining!” Bon appetit or as the Portuguese would say, “Bom apetite! Vamos comer!”

If you’re looking for an inspiring gathering place with a spectacular view of one of the most iconic “cityscapes” in the world, I highly recommend you book a table, or the entire restaurant for your next unforgettable celebration.  Even regular business meetings and event planning like ours become a celebration with Chef Luísa at Robert restaurant!


 There’s Nothing Ordinary About Dining at Robert

[pictured: ESCAPESEEKER, Marlon Corvera, Inga Ramos, Chef Luísa, and Luz Thoron MacArthur]

Dining at Robert IMG_3777


A special Thank you Marlon Corvera [center] for orchestrating yet another unforgettable and productive luncheon gathering.  Thank you Anna Harris [left] for the exquisite VIP welcome. And, Thank you Inga Ramos [right] for your most generous surprise! I’m finding time and time again that New York City residents sure know how to treat their guests! How am I ever going to leave this magnificent city? Maybe I should just follow Chef Luísa’s example and become a New Yorker?

Here’s to inspiring women living extraordinary lives!

Yours truly,

Mel Gee Henderson aka The ESCAPESEEKER

Background Story Resource Cred:  Tia Maria, Portugal



Friday, May 20th, 2016

Spring has sprung.  And, nowhere is this more evident than in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Amsterdam, here we come!

With select images by Jim Jones…



Peg Whisler Jones, and yours truly, the ESCAPESEEKER


 Introducing my ESCAPESEEKER Team to the Art of River Cruising

Amsterdam, here we come!Amsterdam, Netherlands ~ Ok, I have a confession:  I’ve always been hesitant to go on a river cruise because I’ve had the conception that I would be stuck on a boat for seven days or more with senior cruisers, so senior that they would not be up for doing  much of anything.  And, the last thing I need right now is to be reminded of how old, I too,  am becoming!  Well, WOW!  Was my conception a total MISconception! What I discovered and experienced has changed my view of River Cruising forever.

A bit of background: My ESCAPESEEKER Advisory Team

Three of my ESCAPESEEKER travel companions are members of my TV Program Advisory Team.  They’re seasoned global travelers.  And, they’re fearless, ready and eager to experience the very best in travel.  Based on the activities we continually engage in–climbing mountains, white-water rafting, canoeing in the Amazon, scuba-diving in French Polynesia–you may never guess from our adventurous behavior that two of us are in our early 60’s, while the other two are in the prime of their seventh decade!  And, the main trait we all share–we’re passionate about travel and the people who reside with us on this majestic planet! Oh yes, one more common trait–we have all managed to raise one huge family (each).


Our Big Family965582_10202540215885388_1749892738_o So when we’re not engaged in our extensive grand-parenting duties, we are conducting our ESCAPESEEKER advance research, and yes, the destination and experiences need to be simply amazing to make our time away from our families worth every second.

 In figuring out which of the plethora of river cruising options we wanted to try, one in particular stood out from all the rest:  AmaWaterways’ AmaPrima Tulip Cruise! After all it’s Spring time and we were advised everything is blooming in the Kingdom of the Netherlands!

AMAPrima Entrance

Why AmaWaterways?  It’s more than just about the destination–AmaWaterways is all about the complete journey.

We landed at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol around 8:30 a.m. and I have to say Schiphol is about the easiest airport to navigate. We were in the city being treated to a wonderful “Welcome ESCAPESEEKER breakfast” at the Hoofstad Brasserie overlooking the Amstel River, and located in the historic De L’Europe Amsterdam [ “Grand Dame” of luxury hotels in Amsterdam by 10 a.m.  I highly recommend their delectable Spinach Eggs Benedict!

Hotel De L'Europe

Dutch Masters Wing - Junior Suite 2We had reserved two Junior Suites for the day, complete with a 6 pm late check-out in case we should need the extra time exploring the city before joining the AmaPrima later that same afternoon.  It proved to be exactly what we needed to fuel up, freshen up, and get rid of any signs of jet lag.  The city beckoned us, and we quickly acquiesced!

There’s nothing like walking and getting up close and personal to quickly orient yourself to the rhythm of the city.


AmaWaterways’ AmaPrima…River vessels are not created equal

AMAPrima Jim

Inspired by classic ocean yachts, the AmaPrima strives to provide the most distinctive river cruise experience. As you board, the magnificent glass elevator will catch your eye, hinting of the unique design elements you’ll continue to discover onboard. Being the lover of a well sunlit rooms, I was delighted to see our cabin had their exclusive “Twin Balconies” to allow for more private, friendly-viewing of the Netherland’s gorgeous landscapes. By the way, I soon discovered that certain ports required us to be tied to another commercial river boat.  What an outstanding way to get a sneak peak of the competition, and I noted, we on the AmaPrima were the only ones who can relax in a heated Sun Deck swimming pool with a “swim-up” bar after our energizing bike rides–yes, AmaWaterways provides a fleet of bicycles for guests to enjoy–free of charge!  Our ship also featured a Fitness Center, Massage, Hair and Beauty salon–and I was too busy having fun to take in any of it.  You’ll have to test it out for me when it’s your turn to go river cruising on the AmaPrima ok?  

Our Sweet Suite


It’s a given, most people who sign up for a River Cruise do not expect to find an extra large stateroom.  After all, these river boats have their size limits so they are able to navigate the many locks throughout the voyage.  What AmaWaterways did to make the cabins look and feel more expansive–they added the “twin balcony” concept for the majority of staterooms.  It lets so much more light in, and combined with white on white plush bedding, it simply evokes what you would expect to find in a luxury 5-star hotel. Yes, it’s all there–the flat-screen TV, with local and satellite channels, spacious bathrooms with multi-jet showerheads, even the luxurious terry bathrobes! All combined, definitely keeps with my lux-seeking ESCAPESEEKER mantra!

Feasting our way through the Kingdom of the Netherlands…tough assignment right?

Feasting our Way through the Netherlands

AmaWaterways offers an array of dining options for your culinary enjoyment. Enjoy Chaîne des Rôtisseurs culinary creations in the main dining room, or in the Chef’s Table restaurant with its own private chef.

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AmaWaterways is proud to be the only river cruise line invited to join one of the world’s most prestigious culinary organizations founded in 1950 in Paris. Every AmaWaterways vessel cruising in Europe is an official member of La Chaine des Rotisseurs. Membership is considered an achievement of world-class culinary acumen.It was tough to distinguish the offerings on our floating restaurant from the land-based award-winning variety! After trying to control my intake and appetites I finally decided to just surrender, and just sign up for more excursions and activities that would help me physically burn the calories so I could “earn” the next amazing spread!

IMG_2518Burning calories with mind-expanding excursions

Are you a “gentle” take everything in kind of walker?  Or are you an “active” fast walker that can’t wait to get to your target destination? Perhaps, you’re the kind of “late starter” tourist that’s in no hurry to get anywhere, even preferring to get your beauty sleep while on vacation? Well, no worries to all of the above because AmaPrima allowed us to set our own pace on shore excursions by signing up for the ones that describe our particular category–in my case–I definitely want to earn the evening’s dessert–I signed up for “active.”  All AmaWaterways voyages ensure that you’re treated with personalized attention, on land, as well as on the river. The complimentary Shore Excursions provide an an immersive introduction land tour to every destination. The local guides did inspire me to dig deeper, immerse myself more into the history of the places we visited once we returned to our boat.  If I could have my wish, I would wish we could stay longer at each location.  Just when I was savoring the moment, it seemed, it was time to untie the boat and cruise onward. 


 IMG_2269We cruised the Ijsselmeer towards Volendam, enjoying a late afternoon tour of Volendam Harbor.

Then, we continued by motor coach to Edam, a total postcard-perfect, picturesque town.  I do not know how the Dutch maintain such immaculate homes and gardens.  Our guide hinted “we’re all born with a green finger.” Is that the same as a green thumb? After tasting the local Edam cheese, we know they have a gift for cheese-making too. We walked by the Old Quarter’s beautiful houses, canals, bridges and churches with towering steeples, including one of the largest in Holland, the Grote Kerk (Great Church).

We finished off our tour with a brief visit to the shoreline at Volendam.  If there’s one thing you absolutely must try, it’s the tiny, dollar size Dutch pancakes. It is served with fresh whipped cream…to die for…I kid you not!

It’s astounding to note that flood control is an important issue for the Netherlands, as about two thirds of its area is vulnerable to flooding, while the country is among the most densely populated on Earth. Natural sand dunes and constructed dikes, dams, and floodgates provide defense storm surges from the sea.  River dikes prevent flooding from water flowing into the country by the major rivers Rhine and Meuse, while complicated system of drainage ditches, canals, and pumping stations (historically windmills) keep the low-lying parts dry for habitation and agriculture.  Water control boards are the independent local government bodies responsible for maintaining this system. In modern times, flood disasters coupled with technological developments have led to large construction works to reduce the influence of the sea and prevent floods.  In the interim, the Dutch became astute, expert sailors from residing by the sea, a trait that is evident everywhere we looked.



Hallowed Ground

We arrived early, in beautiful Arnhem. The perfect weather we were blessed with only magnified how charming this small town is.  Since my ESCAPESEEKER traveling companions are avid supporters of WWII veterans, we chose  to see the monument commemorating the Battle of Arnhem Bridge made famous by the classic film “A Bridge Too Far.” Such a humbling sight to walk amidst the rows and rows of tombstones bearing the name of soldiers who sacrificed their lives to liberate Arnhem.  We also visited the Airborne Museum to learn more about the Battle of Arnhem, one of the major campaigns of World War II.  This was well worth the time.  The town’s respect and reverence for those who died is clearly evident in this museum.  After our tour, we returned to the ship for lunch and a stunning cruise to Nijmegen. Mother Nature was definitely on our  side. The weather could not be any more fabulous as we cruised through the Netherlands en route to Belgium.IMG_2315

Day 4

     ANTWERP, BELGIUMIMG_2358 (1)We awoke to yet another glorious day, as we are welcomed to Antwerp.  A walking tour of Antwerp helped us get oriented to the layout of the main square, displaying the city’s superb architecture. In the afternoon we bravely explored Antwerp on bicycles with our two local guides, following each through the charming streets of Antwerp, passing impressive historical sites such as Cogels Osylei, Waterloo House, St. Jacob’s Church and the Museum Ridder Smidt van Gelder. It was especially enjoyable to see the different neighborhoods, some established by early Jewish settlers that continue to this day.  We returned to the ship with hearty appetites and our Chef definitely did not disappoint with yet, another amazing delectable spread.13164237_10154801999673032_6800186081863567539_n 2

Day 5

     GHENT AND BRUGESIMG_2393The evening’s cruised brought us to Ghent. A town I’ve only read about, I was eager to join the walked tour through the city,  which included the Belfry Hall, the Koornlei, the Graslei and the Castle of the Counts. My camera was going on overdrive as I captured one gorgeous image after another.  My only complain about Ghent?  The city council had instituted these public, open air urinals, and honestly, the scent destroys you even before you get close enough to realize what you were about to encounter.  Ghent, whatever where you thinking?  Please, there must be another option besides ruining the beautiful ambiance of your camera-ready city? We couldn’t board our buses fast enough as we headed to Bruges for the afternoon–one of Europe’s most perfectly preserved medieval cities, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It did not take long for my team to realize that it was a Belgian holiday and everyone had the same idea–to take in beautiful Bruges.  I had been to Bruges many times before, and I had never encountered such a crowd.  So, my recommendation to you if you wish to visit Bruges–make sure it is not a Belgian holiday.  After all, it is clear they love their impressive historic town as much as we do.IMG_2418By early evening, we were back on the beautiful AmaPrima cruising through the Dutch region of Zeeland, home to one of the world’s most complex engineering projects, the Delta Works, which took more than 30 years to complete!Engineering Feat in the Netherlands

Day 6

WILLEMSTAD, THE NETHERLANDS – KINDERDIJK – SCHOONHOVENIMG_2431Once again, we were so excited knowing the morning light would find us biking through the charming 400-year old town of Willemstad. As we’ve discovered from previous tours, the Dutch are simply immaculate. No matter where we cycled, there was always a pleasant garden to greet our sight. I also conducted my own little test to see how friendly the Willemstad natives really are.  Whenever I encountered one on our bike path, I would call out an enthusiastic “Hello from America!” They would always have such a surprise look on their face, and immediately respond with, “Hello!”  Some would even add, “Thank you for visiting!” Or, “Please stay a while.”  Yes, I found myself falling in-love with this beautifully manicured country.  The hard-working people also inspire me.  Who would have ever thought from their humble beginnings and challenging environments (“the Netherlands” means “the low lands” and the land only rises, on average, 1 meter above the sea level, with one third of the land is below sea level) would rise a country that once ruled an empire. In the 17th century,  the Netherlands was the richest and one of the most powerful countries in the world. Thus,  the Dutch call the 17th century the Golden Age.  Their Dutch Empire had possessions around the world. The most important possession were the East Indies, a country that is now called Indonesia. And in case you are not aware, the Dutch also founded New Netherland, which is now known as New York.  Yes, I guess we can say, the Big Apple was once a Dutch Apple! Here’s a little interesting Dutch trivia for you: In 2004 the  United Nations declared that the Netherlands was the 5th best country to live in, in the world! I can totally understand why. Just think, if you’re English-speaking, and you moved to the Netherlands,  you wouldn’t even need to learn Dutch any time soon because every native I’ve encountered thus far speaks fluent English. I can tell, I have a lot to learn from the unique lifestyles of the Dutch. In the meantime, I better keep biking. The AmaPrima awaits.


IMG_2513In the afternoon, after another delicious lunch on the AmaPrima, we were transported in equally impeccable tour buses to visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Kinderdijk, a lovely village renowned for having the country’s greatest concentration of windmills, all dating from the 18th century. The windmills at Kinderdijk are a group of 19 monumental windmills in the Alblasserwaard polder, in the province of South Holland, Netherlands.  Built in 1738 and 1740, to keep water out of the polder, it is the largest concentration of old windmills in the Netherlands and one of the best-known Dutch tourist sites. The mills are listed as national monuments and the entire area is a protected village view since 1993. They have been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.

One of the first things you’ll notice when entering one of the Kinderdijk windmills, is the low door opening. In the early days the diets of the inhabitants of the windmills were not as well balanced as we are used to now. This caused the people to stay small, which resulted in low door openings.  Working and living in a windmill is not easy. For instance, the windmills can only be reached by foot or bicycle. But even in the past, life was very difficult. The millers used to have large families, 10 to 12 children was no exception. There a several reasons for these large families: The influence of the church, no birth control, children often died in their first years, and the more sons, the more labor could be done in the mill and the land surrounding the windmill. However, because of their bad circumstances, the millers became self supporting, and they would grow their own vegetables, and raise their own livestock.

Fast forward, present day, I’m reviewing our windmill photos, and I think they convey one clear, simple message:  “Hello from Holland!”

IMG_2455After our informative afternoon at Kinderdijk, we returned to our ship and as we dined at the Chef’s table, our ship cruised to Schoonhoven, where we moored until midnight. I can’t believe how quickly our time on the beautiful AmaPrima cruise is passing.  All I want to do is freeze-frame to allow my memory more time to soak it all in. How in the world will I give up the “AmaZing” royal treatment we’re getting from the AmaPrima staff and crew? Please stop the clock!


We arrived in Amsterdam the next morning, just in time to admire the spectacular display of millions of flowering tulips during our morning excursion to the famous 79-acre Keukenhof Gardens. Talk about color-overload! You cannot begin to comprehend its plethora of rainbow blooms unless you see it for yourselves.

Also known as the Garden of Europe, it is one of the world’s largest flower gardens. It is situated in Lisse, southwest of Amsterdam. It is accessible by bus from the train stations of Haarlem, Leiden and Schiphol.   According to the official website of the Keukenhof Park, approximately seven million flower bulbs are planted annually in the park, which covers an area of 32 hectares (79 acres).

Keukenhof is open annually from mid-March to mid-May. The best time to view the tulips is around mid-April, depending on the weather.

Keukenhof is situated on 15th-century hunting grounds. It was also a source of herbs for Jacqueline, Countess of Hainaut’s castle, which is the source of the name Keukenhof (it served to provide herbs for the castle’s kitchen). Rich merchants took over the grounds after the Countess’s death. Dutch East India Company Captain and Governor, Adriaen Maertensz Block lived there in his retirement years in the 17th century in the country house (now known as Castle Keukenhof) which he had let built in 1641.

In the 19th century, the Baron and Baroness Van Pallandt assigned the landscape architect Jan David Zocher and his son Louis Paul Zocher, who had also worked on the Vondelpark, to design the grounds around the castle.

The garden was established in 1949 by the then mayor of Lisse. The idea was to present a flower exhibit where growers from all over the Netherlands and Europe could show off their hybrids – and help the Dutch export industry. The Netherlands is the world’s largest exporter of flowers. Their plan clearly succeeded!

Keukenhof-Gardens-of-HollandAll previous photos I had seen just cannot compare to seeing it in person, up close and personal!

In the afternoon, all of our fellow passengers  joined in a scenic sunset cruise through the historic harbor and canals of Amsterdam. Once again, my camera could not click fast enough. Amsterdam’s unique beauty grabs at my imagination. It’s a total movie-set, and yes, it makes me want to stay, rent a tiny alcove apartment where I can write my best-selling suspense novel. But then again, these historic houses do not come cheap.  The better plan would be to write the best seller, make a ton of money, and then I can purchase that sweet alcove with a gorgeous view of the canal!amsterdam-bicyclesniederlande_amsterdam_kanal_gracht_grossIMG_2239There’s so much to see and do in Amsterdam, especially if you’re an artist, or just enjoy seeing the works of the Masters–Rembrandt, Van Gogh for starters.  The Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank House, and the Stedelijk Museum are the  most popular choices, but there are many interesting small museums. There are seventy five Amsterdam museums, which attract almost seven million visitors every year. Alongside the wealth of majestic Golden Age paintings, you’ll find exciting modern art, press, film, theater, photography museums and some unique Dutch treats like the Heineken, Ajax Arena Tours, and the Houseboat museum.

And, Amsterdam wouldn’t be Amsterdam without the tourist appeal for the other eclectic side: Yes, you’ll also find the Sex, Erotic, Hash, or Torture museums.

My entire team realized that one week in Amsterdam alone is necessary, no matter your taste in art, to dedicate and explore the incredible museum offerings.

13103312_10154811523658032_1667017073633928299_nAlas, the evening would find us being treated to a final evening’s walk through Amsterdam, this time led by our dearest Amsterdammer friends, Robin Post van der Burg and Hanneke van Weel. Truly, such a special way to end our voyage, breaking bread with friends who treat us like family, while recalling our priceless Netherland experiences, all of which only fueled our desire to become new subjects in the Kingdom of the Netherlands! Yes, you can definitely count on us returning, sooner rather than later.  Thank you AmaWaterways’ AmaPrima for an unforgettable voyage.  To Captain Gerd, Cruise Manager, Rolfe, Hotel Manager, Gemma, Chef Jossef, Maitre d’ Romeo, and to our personal waiter Gabor, who took impeccable care of us at every meal, we extend our utmost heartfelt gratitude for granting us a  River Cruise to remember!

A Few Parting Words From Our Entire Team…

“Cruising is such a tremendous way to make new friends, and connect with dear ones too.  The AmaPrima’s size made making new friends so easy.”~ Mel Gee Henderson

13124730_10154802287648032_2056998124209403176_n“I never expected that we would be dipping into AmaPrima’s pool in the early days of Spring in the Netherlands! It was wonderful after our bike rides!”

~ Peg Whisler Jones

ESCAPESEEKER photogs“Absolutely fantastic boat, fantastic trip with fantastic friends for a fantastic experience. THANK YOU. again.” ~ Jim Jones

Volendam stroll “The AmaPrima exceeded my expectations…I’m definitely a River Cruise convert! By the way, if you’re an avid biker, here’s a terrific biking map for Amsterdam that will come in handy! You’ll feel like a native Amsterdammer by the time you’re finished!” ~ Roy A. Henderson


Rudi Schreiner and Kristin Karst, received the 2016 Travvy Awards in New York City where AmaWaterways was honored to receive 6 Gold trophies including the coveted Best River Cruise Line Overall and Most Innovative Executive.

Rudi Schreiner and Kristin Karst, received the 2016 Travvy Awards in New York City where AmaWaterways was honored to receive 6 Gold trophies including the coveted Best River Cruise Line Overall and Most Innovative Executive.

AmaWaterways was founded in 2002 by Rudi Schreiner, Kristin Karst and Jimmy Murphy. All Three brought tremendous experience, knowledge and dedication to the venture. Rudi was one of river cruising’s pioneers, having introduced the modern-day river cruise concept to the world of travel. Kristin brought with her vast sales and customer service experience.   And, the third member,  Jimmy Murphy is the founder and former owner of Brendan Vacations. Their combined expertise and passion for the river cruise business has resulted in a river cruise vacation experience that strives to exceed customer expectations. The toughest part of our team’s decision–with more than 20 different itineraries to choose from, which one would you pick?
