Archive for the ‘Expert Travel’ Category


Wednesday, March 9th, 2022
French Polynesia ~ After receiving numerous inquiries from former avid travelers who are now finding it difficult to dive back in, my fearless and indefatigable ESCAPESEEKER team decided that we would be the “test pilots” and for the next six months devote 10 days of each month traveling to the most sought-after destinations in the world.  Our goal is to provide the answers to:  What is required based on the respective country’s rules to enter; what we need to plan on to stay at great length; and the new rules to depart and re-enter the USA. What did we discover?  Well, here is our first report.  We keep it real, we keep it honest.
Right off the bat, know that French Polynesia requires all visitors to show proof of vaccination, plus, yes, your booster shot too! No exceptions.
Leaving LAX:  If you can navigate all the new construction going on at LAX, and the new designated shuttle stops, that’s half the challenge already conquered.  Once we reached the Tom Bradley International Terminal, we scheduled our pre-flight covid test.  About 30 minutes later, we were relieved to receive an e-mail with our test resutls:  NEGATIVE! Sigh of Relief. We are now permitted to check-in for our Air Tahiti Nui flight–something I’ve always looked forward to because the minute you board, you feel as though your vacation has begun.  It must be the sweet scent of Tahiti’s national flower, the Tiare which they give to each passenger. And, of course, it did not take long for my Producer, Jamie Barney (also a seasoned traveler) and I to go into our deep slumber for our pleasant 8-hour flight to Tahiti’s capital of Papeete.
Upon arrival, our first taste of the “new normal”–the line to clear customs was unusually slow and long; the reason–as an extra precaution, they were administering another covid-test–and the results would be e-mailed, just like before our flight. Our flight had landed at 9:15 pm as scheduled, but we did not reach our hotel in Papeete until midnight.  Our super nice driver, Patrick had waited patiently for us, as he held the sign, “ESCAPESEEKER” at the exit.  Right off the bat, for the next 10 days, the Tahitians we met–all where super kind, ultra grateful to welcome us into their country.  
After over-nighting at Le Tahiti by Pearl Resorts, we rose early the next morning and headed back to FAA airport to catch our Air Tahiti flight (the domestic airline) to Tikehau, a coral  atoll in the Tuamotus Archipelago of French Polynesia to do some serious diving.  Word of caution–if you bring your own diving gear, the extra weight will costs you–about $100 each time.
Often called, the “diving mecca” Jamie, a seasoned diver could not get into the water soon enough. We chose a local diving operation, CocodiveTikehau. And, we would do it all over again in an instant.  The Divemaster, Xavier is one of the most caring, patient, thorough divemaster we have ever met. Our Captain, I really got to know because I was the first one back in the boat while the pros chose to dive deeper and longer. If there is one clear benefit to having the islands on lock down for the last two years–the sealife has been undisturbed, and its population has increased to a healthier state. Another extra benefit when you sign up for these fun activities, you meet other adventurous travelers from around the world–some may even be from your on hometown that you would not otherwise meet.  Jamie and I gained so many new friends on this assignment, proving my theory, “The world is full of friends just waiting to be met.”
We can’t wait to return to Le Tikehau [] where we were met with stunning rainbows each morning, and the staff treated us like Polynesian Royalty! Can you imagine?  After we reached the tiny Tikehau airport for our departure flight, our waiter at Le TIkehau arrived on his bicycle, carrying a beautiful shell crown, “Mel, my grandmere made this for you!” Another gentleman from Le TIkehau gave Jamie a literal hand-ful of loose black pearls. That is what you’ll find on this tiny coral atoll of Tikehau–the genuinely generous, kind, peaceful Tuamotuan. They live up to their name, TIkehau which means means Peaceful Landing in Tuamotuan.  
Next stop, Bora Bora, the “Pearl of French Polynesia.”
The Bora Bora island is one of the most popular islands in The Islands of Tahiti. One of nine islands within the Society Islands, Bora Bora was formed over seven million years ago by a volcano. Like most of the islands of French Polynesia, Bora Bora is surrounded by a ring of coral reef, also known as an atoll. This south pacific island could easily be defined as the center of the romantic universe, where luxurious beach resorts, and spas dot the island with overwater bungalows, thatched-roof villas, create its legendary ambiance. Here’s the good news–you don’t have to be a couple to savor all that Bora Bora has to offer.  The island is a photographer’s dream, a waterlover’s playground, for both young and old, and definitely if sailing floats your boat, Bora Bora is ready-made to provide endless days and nights of bliss.
Our home away from home is Le Bora Bora by Pearl Resorts–a Relais Chateaux resort which instantly means, there’s an incomparable level of luxury and service you can expect to receive.  Le Bora Bora did not disappoint. Our over-the-water bungalow had an uninterrupted view of Mount Otemanu, the iconic Bora Bora landmark. If there was one thing we had not fully planned on, however, Bora Bora’s culinary offerings are delicious, but  pricey.  I was told everything has to be imported, thus the higher costs of food.  Make sure you plan on spending $150 per person for dinner with drinks. The highest we experienced was the $450. per couple at La Villa Mahana. But being joined by our new friends whom we originally met at Le TIkehau made the dinner even more extraordinary. We all agreed it was worth every delectable morsel! We were served the best lobster risotto I’ve ever had–and I’ve dined with 3-star Michelin chefs–so that speaks volumes.  If you must save up for it–do it!  There are only six tables each night, so book early, and plan on an exquisite culinary journey that will last through the evening!
After spending a chunk of mulah on dinner, we decided to book an all-day sailing experience that also included diving, and lunch. We booked with Bora Bora Cruise and Dive, and had the Catamaran all to ourselves.  What a stunning day. We were in and out of the boat as much as our hearts desire. Taking a nap on the bow with the soft breezes caressing our sun-kissed faces as our Captain serenaded us with his ukulele and sweet tenor voice–that’s about as good as a Bora Bora cruise gets! If you prefer smaller rides, I highly recommend jetski tour with Matira.
We will remember our Bora Bora adventures, and the lifelong friends we have made all along the way.  Yes, it’s more complicated to travel during these unprecedented times, and there’s always that anxious feeling not knowing if your final covid test pre-flight back to the USA will read, “Negatif”–but at the end of the day, it is a reassuring feeling knowing all the passengers on your flight are all “Negatif” as you drift back into a nice dreamy, midnight slumber on board the Air Tahiti Nui flight to LAX.  The toughest part is waking up to the Captain announcing, “Welcome to Los Angeles.”
Stay tuned as we begin uploading all of the stunning images from our Tikehau and Bora Bora adventures. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
I shall let the images tell our story in my next post.
Be Brave…Plan…and Just go!

My Heart Is Overjoyed As Europe Opens Its Doors: What You Need To Know Before You Go.

Saturday, June 12th, 2021

86648301_10159362378238032_5637962148794597376_n I am ready to return to bask in Italy’s glorious sunshine, to visit the places that hold so many special memories for me, but most of all, I am looking forward to once again reconnecting with my Italian friends who are like family to me.  What the unprecedented challenges brought on by the global pandemic has taught me–we must savor every day we are granted–to see and do and embrace the wonderful people with whom we share our earthly space.  Like many of you, the green light to travel again could not come soon enough.  With my newly-renewed, hot off the press, crisp, 50-page passport in hand, along with my “proof of vaccination” card, I’m ready to cross the big pond!


READY, SET, GO! #mypassport I list amongst my most treasured possessions.

READY, SET, GO! #mypassport I list amongst my most treasured possessions.


There’s no relief quite the feeling you get when your new passport finally arrives in the mail ready to be filled with stamps from all over the world! My previous passport was set to expire in 6 months, plus there was only one unstamped page remaining.

The landscape of travel has changed immensely, and it may never return to the way it once was. The most important advise I can give you–be prepared before you go. Please permit me to share with you the voluminous findings I have discovered as I prepare for my first Covid-era visit abroad, in hopes that I’ll save you some of the anguish I have experienced–and replace it with peace of mind and joyful anticipation as we prepare to Get Ready,  Set, Go!

The Important Steps To Take Before You Go


Once you determine where you want to go, get the latest facts, directly from each respective country what their entry and exit requirements are.  For example, for Italy, here are the details you need to know before you go:

Traveling To Italy:  Italy applies health-related restriction measures to incoming travelers, which may vary depending on your country of origin.

Before entering Italy, from any country of origin and for any travel reason, the digital European Passenger Locator Form (dPLF) must be compiled.

Travellers from EU countries, the Schengen areaGreat Britain and Israel can enter Italy without any quarantine obligation, provided that:

Entry and transit in Italy are forbidden for persons:

  • who, in the previous fourteen days, have stayed or transited in Brazil (see exceptions)
  • who arrive from or have stayed in the previous fourteen days in IndiaBangladesh and Sri Lanka (see exceptions)

Travelers from all other countries may be required to:

  • fill in the Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy
  • present a negative result for a molecular or antigenic swab taken no more than 72 hours prior to entry into Italy
  • notify arrival to the Prevention Department of the Local Health Authority (toll-free numbers and regional information)
  • reach the final destination in Italy only by private means of transport
  • undergo fiduciary isolation and health surveillance for 10 days
  • at the end of the 10 day isolation, take an additional molecular or antigenic swab

Travelers arriving from some non-EU countries can enter Italy without undergoing fiduciary isolation and health surveillance provided they use COVID-tested flights (refer to the specific section).

You can find out the conditions of entry into Italy from your country with a couple of clicks at You will be asked to indicate:

  • Country of origin
  • Country(ies) you have travelled through in the last 14 days
  • Possession of EU citizenship or citizenship of a country in the Schengen Area
  • Possession of registered residence in Italy as a long-term resident or kinship with a long-term resident residing in Italy

At the end of this process, you will be informed if there are any restrictions in place for travel to Italy from your country, the documentation you will have to present and the conditions applied on your arrival.

National information line 1500 was activated by the Italian Ministry of Health to answer questions from the public about the novel Coronavirus 2019-nCoV. The hotline is open 24/7.
Travelers can contact the Ministry of Health at the following numbers:

  • from Italy: 1500 (free toll number)
  • from abroad: +39 0232008345 – +39 0283905385

For more information, visit the specific Ministry of Health web page for travellers.


Passengers traveling on COVID-tested flights authorized by the Ministry of Health can enter Italy without having to comply with health surveillance and fiduciary isolation obligations.

Passengers traveling on “COVID-tested” flights are required:

  • to present a certificate to the airline on boarding and its control personnel testifying a negative result for a molecular or antigen swab test taken no more than 48 hours prior to boarding
  • to fill in the Passenger Locator Form to be presented before boarding
  • take another molecular (RT PCR) or antigenic swab test on arrival at the destination airport

Delta Airlines, American Airlines, and Alitalia offer COVID-tested flights from the USA to Italy.  For further information and a list of routes operating COVID-tested flights, consult the Ministry of Health website.


Throughout Italy, it is mandatory to wear a mask in public places indoors. The mask is also mandatory outdoors, except in cases where you are isolated from people who do not live together. In Lazio it is mandatory to wear a mask outdoors in any situation.

Those who are not required to wear masks:
– people who are carrying out sports activities
– children under the age of 6
– people with disabilities or conditions incompatible with the use of a mask; carers or care workers are not obliged to wear masks, in the event that the mask makes it impossible to interact between carers/care workers and persons with disabilities. The use of the mask is also recommended inside houses, in the presence of non-cohabiting people.

It is mandatory to maintain the safe distance of at least one metre from non-cohabiting people.

Some squares or streets may be closed to the public throughout the day or at certain time slots to avoid gatherings. Access to these squares or streets is allowed only to reach open shops and private houses.

It is recommended to limit travel, by public or private transport, for reasons of work, study, health, for reasons of necessity or to take advantage of services not suspended.

It is also recommended to download the Immuni app, created by the Ministry of Health and the Minister of Technological Innovation to limit the spread of Covid-19.



ItaloThe means of public transport can operate with 50% of passengers.


It is possible to travel by car without limitations together with spouses, cohabitants and stable relationships.

Non-cohabiting people

You can travel by car with up to 3 non-cohabiting people including the driver. Everyone in the car must wear a mask.
The passenger seat next to the driver must remain free. Passengers must sit on opposite sides of the rear seat leaving the centre seat free. If the car has several rear rows, it can accommodate a maximum of two passengers per row seated on opposite sides of the seat, leaving the center seat free.



To ensure the safety of residents and tourists, the Italian government has introduced a classification of regions based on the colors white (minimum risk), yellow, orange and red (maximum risk).

Each color corresponds to specific precautionary measures which regulate the freedom of movement within the region, movement between regions, and the opening of businesses, restaurants and cultural sites.

Movement between different regions in the white and yellow zones will be permitted.

Movement between different regions in the orange and red areas is allowed only for reasons of work, healthcare or proven urgency, with a self-certification indicating the reason for the move, or upon presentation of a COVID-19 green certification.



The COVID-19 Green Certificate is only valid in Italy and certifies:

  • that you have been vaccinated against COVID-19
  • that you have recovered from COVID-19 infection
  • that you have tested negative in a rapid molecular or antigen test

Vaccination certification is valid for nine months after completion of the vaccination cycle: if the vaccine envisages two doses, the nine-month validity period therefore begins with the administration of the second dose. Certification is also issued after the first dose; in this case, validity begins fifteen days after administration and expires upon administration of the second dose.
Certification of full health recovery is valid for six months. Certification of COVID-19 negativity is valid for 48 hours.

Green certification is required to move from one region of white or yellow to another region of orange or red color in the absence of work, health or proven urgency. In some cases you may need to have a green certificate in order to access particular events or shows, including sporting events in stadiums.

Certification is required for all subjects over two years of age.

You can apply for a COVID-19 green pass: through the health centre, doctor or health worker who administered the vaccine or the pertinent Regional Health Service; through the Local Health Authority (ASL), the health centre where you were hospitalized following COVID-19 infection or, if you were not hospitalized, your general practitioner or paediatrician; through the public or private health centre or pharmacy where you took the molecular or rapid antigen test (swab).

Italy recognizes as valid the green passes issued by other European Union member states.



The Digital Green Certificate (DGC) allows all travelers to move around freely within the European Union.

For travelers who wish to enter Italy, it will only be possible to use the DGC certificate after the creation of the Italian platform, which will be made official in coming weeks. Until such date, the instructions in the “Traveling in Italy” section at the top of this page must be followed.



Measures valid in AbruzzoFriuli Venezia GiuliaLiguriaMoliseSardiniaUmbriaVeneto.

There are no time restrictions for travel.

The obligation to wear masks and maintain a safety distance of 1 meter still apply.

Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and pastry shops are open. They must display a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed inside simultaneously.
Consumption at table is always allowed. There is no limit to the number of people who may sit at the same outdoor table. Up to a maximum of 6 non-cohabiting people may sit together indoors; there are no limits to the number of people for 2 families who decide to dine together at the same table.

The following venues are now open to the public:

  • indoor and outdoor swimming pools
  • outdoor and indoor sporting events
  • trade fairs, conferences and congresses
  • fitness and spa centers
  • theme and amusement parks
  • private parties, including those associated with civil and/or religious ceremonies,
  • outdoors and indoors
  • gaming halls and betting shops, bingo halls and casinos

For all other activities, measures valid in the yellow zone apply to the white zone (see the specific section).



The rest of Italy is currently in the “yellow zone”.



You may only go outdoors between 05:00 to 24:00.

As of 21 June 2021, there will be no time limits regarding mobility.


Bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops shall remain open. They must display a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed inside at any particular time.
Consumption at table in restaurants is allowed both outdoors and indoors. No more than 4 people may sit at the same table, unless they co-habit. Home delivery of food is always allowed and also, until midnight, takeaway catering, with a ban on consumption at the premises or in the vicinity.

There are no time limits for restaurants in hotels and other hospitality establishments, as long as the service is limited to customers staying on the premises.
Bars, restaurants and similar businesses remain open within service and refueling areas along motorways, in hospitals and at airports.

Discotheques and dance halls are closed.

Arcades, betting centers, bingo halls and casinos will re-open to the public on 1 July.

With its crystal clear waters and the amazing seashore, Scilla is an excellent seaside destination in Calabria: defined “the Pearl of the Violet Coast” because of the color of its waters, on top of the beach is the Ruffo Castle overlooking the Strait of Messina. The large free beach of Marina Grande – also known as “Siren Beach” – is flanked with beach resorts where you can rent beach umbrellas and sunbeds, and where kids can have fun with slides and carousels.With its crystal clear waters and the amazing seashore, Scilla is an excellent seaside destination in Calabria: defined “the Pearl of the Violet Coast” because of the color of its waters, on top of the beach is the Ruffo Castle overlooking the Strait of Messina. The large free beach of Marina Grande – also known as “Siren Beach” – is flanked with beach resorts where you can rent beach umbrellas and sunbeds, and where kids can have fun with slides and carousels.With its crystal clear waters and the amazing seashore, Scilla is an excellent seaside destination in Calabria: defined “the Pearl of the Violet Coast” because of the color of its waters, on top of the beach is the Ruffo Castle overlooking the Strait of Messina. The large free beach of Marina Grande – also known as “Siren Beach” – is flanked with beach resorts where you can rent beach umbrellas and sunbeds, and where kids can have fun with slides and carousels.


Access to free beaches and equipped beaches is allowed.

Beach resort facilities may request reservations in order to access beaches. Measurement of body temperature is envisaged at the entrance. Each beach umbrella must have a free space of at least 10 square meters around it. The minimum distance between each deckchair or sun lounger must be at least one and a half meters. Individual sports such as beach tennis, swimming and surfing are allowed, provided that social distancing is observed. Masks are mandatory in common areas (bars, restaurants, etc.) as well as indoors. They are not mandatory on the beach provided you are at a safe distance from other persons.

On free beaches, the distance of at least one meter from other people must be upheld. When setting up umbrellas and deck chairs, the same indications as for beach resort facilities must be followed.



Outdoor swimming pools can be accessed by a limited number of people and preferably on booking.

Indoor swimming pools and wellness centers will be open from 1 July.



The shops shall remain open, and must display a sign indicating the maximum number of people allowed inside at any particular time.
Shopping centers may also remain open at weekends and on holidays and pre-holidays.


The Baglioni Resort Sardinia, located to the north of San Teodoro, is the newest gem of the Baglioni Hotels & Resorts Italian Collection.

Opened on June 1st 2021 on Sardinia’s dreamy north-east coast, the Resort is immersed in a sublime natural landscape without peer in the entire Mediterranean and stands in the Tavolara marine reserve near one of the island’s most beautiful beaches, Lu Impostu.

The Baglioni Resort Sardinia, located to the north of San Teodoro, is the newest gem of the Baglioni Hotels & Resorts Italian Collection.

Opened on June 1st 2021 on Sardinia’s dreamy north-east coast, the Resort is immersed in a sublime natural landscape without peer in the entire Mediterranean and stands in the Tavolara marine reserve near one of the island’s most beautiful beaches, Lu Impostu.

This stunning, Sardinian jewel, the newest resort addition to the incomparable Baglioni Hotels Collection, is the #1 reason ESCAPESEEKER is so thrilled to travel to Italy!

This stunning, Sardinian jewel, the newest resort addition to the incomparable Baglioni Hotels Collection, is the #1 reason ESCAPESEEKER is so thrilled to travel to Italy! The Resort officially opened on June 1, 2021. Come join us: and experience the Italian grace for which the Baglioni name has become world-renowned. See you there!


The accommodation facilities are open, subject to compliance with social distancing, and as per protocols and guidelines adopted to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion.



Museums and other cultural institutions are also open on weekends. From Monday to Friday the admissions are limited to a maximum number of people (which varies depending on the capacity of the museum), in compliance with health prevention measures. For weekend visits you need to book online or by phone.



It is possible to attend the shows in cinemas, theatres, concert halls and other venues, including outdoor venues. The maximum number of spectators must not exceed 50% of the maximum authorised capacity, and in any case, may not exceed 1,000 people for outdoor performances and 500 people for indoor performances. The seating plan must ensure a distance of at least one metre between spectators.



Outdoor sporting events are open to the public. Indoor sporting events are open to the public as of 1 July. Indoor sporting events are open to the public as of 1 July. The maximum number of spectators must not exceed 25% of the maximum authorized capacity, and in any case may not exceed 1000 people for outdoor venues and 500 people for indoor venues. Seating must ensure a distance of at least one metre between non-cohabiting spectators.



From 15 June, trade fairs are allowed. From 1 July, it is also possible to organize conferences and congresses, subject to compliance with precautionary health measures.



Theme and amusement parks will be able to reopen to the public as of 15 June.


For detailed information at local level, please consult the websites of the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces, as well as contact the respective editorial offices.

Abruzzo – Basilicata – Calabria – Campania – Emilia-Romagna – Friuli Venezia Giulia – Lazio – Liguria – Lombardy – Marche – Molise – Piedmont – Puglia – Sardinia – Sicily – South Tyrol – Tuscany – Trentino – Umbria – Valle d’Aosta – Veneto

Postscript:  It may seem overwhelming at first as you prepare–but I promise you, it will be absolutely worth it!

It’s time to liberate ourselves and reignite, fuel our passion for travel!

HERE’S TO RECLAIMING AND  LIVING OUR LIVES TO THE FULLEST! Remember, no matter where you go, be the kindest person you know. And, I promise, the world will open up to you.

With kindness and gratitude,


VENICE...The Land of Serenissima is where ESCAPESEEKER first began, and it shall always hold a special place in my heart.

VENICE…The Land of Serenissima is where ESCAPESEEKER first began, and it shall always hold a special place in my heart.



Our Amazing Asia Adventures Lead Us to the Majesty of Angkor and a French Colonial Oasis in the Heart of Siem Reap

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018
A Magnificent Sunrise at Angkor Wat is absolutely worth the 4 a.m. wake-up call. Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world.  It is stunning for its grand scale and its incredible detail.

A Magnificent Sunrise at Angkor Wat is absolutely worth the 4 a.m. wake-up call. Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia is the largest religious monument in the world. It is stunning for its grand scale and its incredible detail.

Story by Mel Gee Henderson

With Select Images captured by our Cambodian native Guide Extraordinaire, Ben Bond

What is Wat and What does it all mean?

Angkor Wat – built by Suryavarman II (r 1112–52) – is the earthly representation of Mt Meru, the Mt Olympus of the Hindu faith and the abode of ancient gods. The Cambodian god-kings of old each strove to better their ancestors’ structures in size, scale and symmetry, culminating in what is believed to be the world’s largest religious building.

The sandstone blocks from which Angkor Wat was built were quarried from the holy mountain of Phnom Kulen, more than 50km away, and floated down the Siem Reap River on rafts. The logistics of such an operation are difficult to comprehend, consuming the labor of thousands.

AngkorWat_Delaporte1880 (1)
According to inscriptions, the construction of Angkor Wat involved 300,000 workers and 6000 elephants, yet it was still not fully completed. You have to see it to believe!

The West Wall of the outer enclosure of Angkor Wat.

The West Wall of the outer enclosure of Angkor Wat.

The temple is the heart and soul of Cambodia, whose landscapes showcase an empire of temples, and a source of fierce national pride.

Today’s Cambodia is the successor state to the mighty Khmer empire, which, during the Angkorian period, ruled much of what is now Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. The remains of this empire can be seen at the fabled temples of Angkor, monuments unrivalled in scale and grandeur in Southeast Asia. The traveller’s first glimpse of Angkor Wat is matched by only a few select spots on earth, such as Machu Picchu or Petra.

Pools of water reflect the harmony and majesty of Angkor Wat’s structures, while its five soaring towers resemble the lush forms of the green trees surrounding them. The most recognizable landmark at the Unesco World Heritage site of Angkor, the temple is regarded by many as the pinnacle of the brilliant, creative culture that flourished in the early reign of Cambodia.

Pools of water reflect the harmony and majesty of Angkor Wat’s structures, while its five soaring towers resemble the lush forms of the green trees surrounding them. The most recognizable landmark at the Unesco World Heritage site of Angkor, the temple is regarded by many as the pinnacle of the brilliant, creative culture that flourished in the early medieval reign of the Khmer empire.

It is believed Cambodia was once a major world power. A 2015 survey of the site has confirmed that colossal cities once lay near Angkor, and that Cambodia could well have been the largest empire on Earth in the 12th century.

From the ninth century, under the Khmer dynasty, Cambodia built up an empire that covered swaths of what was once known as Indochina [Laos, Thailand, Vietnam]. When the Khmer king Suryavarman II built the Angkor Wat temples in the 1100s, the empire was at the peak of its power. Angkor Wat, meaning “capital temple,” was sacred to the Hindu god Vishnu, and the complex’s architecture was greatly influenced by Indian style. In a sign of the region’s shifting religious loyalties, it was later adapted for Buddhist worship.

In the 1400s, the empire declined. The city was partly abandoned and rapidly swallowed by vegetation. Hundreds of years later, its mystery gave rise to outlandish myths among the first Europeans who saw it: Spanish missionaries attributed it to leaders like Alexander the Great, while others theorized it had been built by Jews who had passed through the region before settling in China.


20171103_162626If you go to Angkor Wat, request a guide who knows the Temples like the back of his hand!  Enter Cambodian Ben Bond.

What happens when you learn that your scholarly guide is also an outstanding photographer who knows exactly where the best photo ops are at all the Temples in Siem Reap? You go back to your hotel and revise your wardrobe so it’s more camera-friendly…one that merited his remarkable photography skills.

Morning Tour...our sunrise wardrobe...

Morning Tour…wonderful, benevolent, engaging new friends…and our super early sunrise wardrobe.

Upon discovering what a brilliant and clever photographer our guide is, we treated him to a beautiful lunch, and thereafter, revised our wardrobe...after all, we wanted it befitting the iconic world's wonder--that is Angkor Wat!

Upon discovering what a brilliant and clever photographer our guide is, we treated him to a beautiful lunch, and thereafter, revised our wardrobe…after all, we wanted it befitting the iconic world’s wonder–that is Angkor Wat! There is an elegance to these ancient monuments.

As we explored the Temples of Angkor, our guide captured one memorable moment after another.


DSC_0480       Our photographer wasn’t the only one reminding us to SMILE!

DSC_0499                                                       A goodbye kiss seems in order too.

If ancient trees could speak, what stories they would tell...

If ancient trees could speak, what stories they would tell…

Angkor may be the scene of one of the greatest vanishing acts of all time. The Khmer kingdom lasted from the ninth to the 15th centuries, and at its height dominated a wide swath of Southeast Asia, from Myanmar (Burma) in the west to Vietnam in the east. As many as 750,000 people lived in Angkor, its capital, which sprawled across an area the size of New York City’s five boroughs, making it the most extensive urban complex of the preindustrial world. By the late 16th century, when Portuguese missionaries came upon the lotus-shaped towers of Angkor Wat—the most elaborate of the city’s temples and the world’s largest religious monument—the once resplendent capital of the empire, scholars claim was in its death throes.

Scholars have come up with a long list of suspected causes, including rapacious invaders, a religious change of heart, and a shift to maritime trade that condemned an inland city. It’s mostly guesswork: Roughly 1,300 inscriptions survive on temple doorjambs and freestanding stelae, but the people of Angkor left not a single word explaining their kingdom’s collapse.

Recent excavations, not of the temples but of the infrastructure that made the vast city possible, are converging on a new answer. Angkor, it appears, was doomed by the very ingenuity that transformed a collection of minor fiefdoms into an empire. The civilization learned how to tame Southeast Asia’s seasonal deluges, then faded as its control of water, the most vital of resources, slipped away.


As they say, “When in Rome”…well, When in Siem Reap, and it just happens to be the second day of the city’s Water Festival and Moon Festival celebrations [Nov. 2, 3], you do what any enthusiastic visitor to the city does: You join the brilliant parade and dance to the beat of a brand new drum!  [Photocred: our amazing guide, Ben Bond]

Our Home Away from Home:  An Oasis in the Heart of Siem Reap


Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa Resort

Just 10 minutes away from the famed monuments, French colonial elegance sits harmoniously amidst the cool manicured gardens of Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf & Spa Resort.

Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa ResortAnd, after walking and climbing throughout the temple grounds, a dream Spa was exactly what we yearned.


If Golf is your cup of Tee [pun intended], the Sofitel Golf course will surely have you seeing green...emerald green reminiscent of the golf courses in Ireland!

If Golf is your cup of Tee [pun intended], the Sofitel Golf course will surely have you seeing green…emerald green reminiscent of the golf courses in Ireland!

 The signature Sofitel touch is evident throughout this wonderful true respite from the hustle and bustle of this remarkable Cambodian treasure–the Temples of Siem Reap–that draws millions of visitors each year from every corner of the world.

Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa ResortSofitel Angkor Phokeethra Golf and Spa ResortDining al fresco is such a terrific way to embrace that you are in fact residing in an incredibly exotic tropical region of the world!

We want to express our sincere gratitude to the entire Sofitel staff for the Royal treatment from the moment we were picked up at the Siem Reap airport, to the seamless check-in experience, to the daily “princess treatment” that gave us so much motivation to jump out of bed for we knew another amazing breakfast was in store to help fuel and energize our Cambodian exploration.

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Next stop…Our #amazingasiaadventures continue as we embark on the AmaDara Mekong River Cruise!

We hope you’ll stay tuned…



Here’s to #blissful #neverending #escapes!

Remember, no matter where you go, be the kindest person you know!  I promise, the world will open up to you,


Interested in joining my future adventures?  I welcome your emails, recommendations, comments, etc.