It is not surprising to hear the tremendous excitement from family and friends upon hearing that Elder Garrett Gee will be returning soon after completing more than two years of missionary service. But his #1 fans, who also happen to be each other’s BFF’s took it to a whole new level! Yeah Alex and Gabes, You’re AWESOME!I love you too!
Well how are you? You seem to be doing great i loved your blog! very nice!! Garretts letter was so good this week i loved hearing that he is a little bit excited to come home!!! I don’t think he could be as excited as all of us are to have such an amazing person back…huh. I am sure you know exactly how many days he has left but Gabes and I got really into it and wanted to know the day, hour, min, second till he would be here and so we have a count down going on facebook…at this moment he has 36 days 2 hours 32 min and 7 seconds give or take a few min. ha ha oh man i am so excited to have him home i can hardly wait!!!
i also just wanted to thank you for always getting his email to me and the other things you keep me updated on! i love to hear about what you are up to…its always an adventure!
i love you mel and hope to see you soon!
love alex